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Technical Stuff About T-34

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Wow, they actually BURNED it just for that movie? Thats unbelievable!And the movie wasn't even all that great, although the scene in which that tank was used was the best part and good in it's own right.

I just can't believe it would have been so difficult to mount some flash and fire pots inside to make it look like it was on fire. Shoddy filemaking at best.


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I dunno... I thought Stalingrad would have been pretty good if they'd shown all of it. Remember that Stalingrad, like Das Boot, was a snippet together of a TV series -- all the highlights were compiled into a single movie.

But I agree; even though there's some authenticity to setting fire to a tank for showing, it's something that could be duplicated reasonably by smokepots.

Also, T-34s are comparatively cheap and easy to come by...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mrcitizenkane:

You too can own a T34/85 for ~40k. A importer in Denver sells them. Will the neighbors mind if I park it in the backyard?<hr></blockquote>

If your neighbors buy a 8.8cm anti tank gun it probably won't take too long to find out if they mind or not. smile.gif

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do you mean a T-54/55? Cause I can't find any references to a russian T-52... the only thing I could find was an Indian site claiming to have captured T-52s in one of the Indo-Paki wars, but the picture of the T-52 looks awfully like a Sherman 75 to me. Other Indian websites reference a T-52, but I can't find any details on that...

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Ah, yes. My mistake I think. I just copied what I saw as it looked correct. I was thinking of the T-62/64 smile.gif

Turns out the guy that said they were coming to his place was just pulling my leg. I thought that might be the case, but I have certainly heard stranger (some guy, for example, is trying to aquire a WWI tank of some sort). The two tanks were probably headed over towards Texas area to one of the bases there.


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Woow! That page is hella cool. And it seems that the dammed T 34 was a beauty, really; easy to drive, as well. I find amazing that the engine still works, 60 years later. Solid Soviet construction.

Does anybody know if the Tigers or Panthers were that easy to drive?

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