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Something sinister is cooking over at TH. The TH guys are trying to fix up an inter-ladder tournament, pitting teams against teams in a "gamey-reduced" format to excite the CM community. See below for the on-going debate. I wonder if this is possible? Who will pick up the gauntlet for CMHQ, BoB and Rugged Defense?

Get it out:


Here is the rough outline...

The Tournament House’s “Four Horseman” Invitational

Purpose: A double-elimination PBEM CM:BO tournament between Tournament House, Band of Brothers, Rugged Defense and CMHQ. To make things interesting and add a dimension of realism, this is a Stryker Level Two Rarity tournament.

Rules: (*=not set in stone)

1. Overall score (e.g. 51-49) will determine the winner of each game. The team with fewest casualties wins ties. Otherwise, losing bidder wins (see below.) Lastly, coin flip.

2. Each team will elect one GENERAL who will submit moves and coordinate discussion with other members of his team. Others may look at the CM files, but the General is responsible for submitting turns…and keeping discussions from leaking out.

3. All games are meeting engagements.(*)

4. All designed maps will be 1040x1040.(*)

5. A unique map will be designed before each round. It will be posted before each game for each team to examine. Other specifics, such as weather, the time of day, starting zone and ground resistance will also be included. The number of points designated for each round will also be announced at this time.

6. One Team, selected randomly, makes a BID to play a particular side (Axis or Allies). The other team may better that bid and win the right to play that side, or let the bid stand and let the other team play that side. The bid number is the additional tally over 50 that the winning bidder’s team needs to win the game. For example, if the winning bid was “2 Axis”, the German team’s necessary victory level is beyond 52.

7. Each General is responsible for sending the Tournament Director the unit selections for the game with the following provisions:

a. Stryker’s Rarity Rules are in effect: Level 2.(*)

b. No less than 40% and no more than 60% of points may be allocated to Infantry. (e.g. In a 2000 point game, the range is 800 to 1200 spent on infantry.)(*)

c. No more than 20% may be allocated to ART.(*)

d. All guns must be towed! If you buy a gun, make sure you buy an appropriate transport.

e. Units may be Green, Regular, Veteran, Crack or Elite.

8. To make this tournament possible, we need, among other things:

a. 5 1040x1040 unique maps (2 for the first two winner’s brackets and the first loser’s bracket, one for the second losers bracket, one for the first winner’s bracket versus loser’s bracket contest and an extra incase the winner’s bracket loses that game), designed by an absolutely trustworthy source. I volunteer, but will not be offended if someone else is nominated.

b. AAR – the kind that Swamp and Von have generated would be nice.

c. Finding Four teams.

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The Tournament Invitations have been emailed to potential teams. I tried to contact Rugged Defense, but my email bounced back. If anyone from that fine organization can reply, do so here or post at the TH forum.

The first three teams to reply, will get first consideration. Thank you.

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I'll be happy to play sponsor for this inter-ladder tourney. Good idea. The problem is, sending 12 bottles of wine to the winning ladder team could be difficult as

a)there are usually more than 12 players in a team;

b)I prefer to send 12 bottles to 1 delivery address as the freight charge (which I will be happy to pay) for 6 bottles is the same for 1 bottle send. Maybe the tourney leader could receive the winning goodies on behalf of his team?

If the touney organizers can sort this out, I'll be happy to sponsor the inter-ladder event with some vino.

Contact me at WineCape@global.co.za

Kind regards,

Charl Theron



The discovery of a new vineyard does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a new star.

-- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French gastronome (1755-1826)

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Very generous of you WineCape!

We will defiantly take you up on that smile.gif


Let sort out all the details and get moving on this. I can make the tourney script, results posting to a page etc.

Looking forward to this, wife not so happy hehe.

Michael Dorosh, will move your review and thank you for it smile.gif


[ April 06, 2002, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: yobobo@tournamenthouse ]

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