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Villers Bocage - Tiger !

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Has anybody figured a way to win as the Axis player in the Villers Bocage battle ( not the operation )? It seems impossible without adding extra forces which seems like cheating. I do fine until turn 10 then all hell breaks loose. Wittmann loses his Tiger & the Germans get the CRAP kicked out of them!!!

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I play this once in a while and have tried following really gamey method with success. Well, I assume it is allowed to be gamey against the AI. At least you are not upsetting your designated TCP/IP-opponent with Jagdtigers or sumfink. smile.gif

As Stoffel pointed out smoke screen is needed when the British reinforcements come. Before that speed through the Brits with "Fast" and start engaging the enemy only after you have passed through the village. Concentrate on the enemy tanks inside the village. At the round 8 find a place where you can engage the reinforcements with the Wittmann's tank and where you can create the smoke screen to protect your own reinforcements. You probably can get 3 or 4 of the reinforcement tanks before getting killed yourself. Sometimes it is even possibly to get all reinforcements wiped out with Wittmann's tank. After that it is just a matter of destroying as many remaining British vehicles as you can before the time runs out.

If you use "Hunt", the Tiger keeps changing the target all the time through the action phase and you probably end up getting shot at the side/rear turret at some point, and you waste your ammo on the half-tracks and infantry you could take care of later with your own reinforcements. Also it means that there will be more enemy tanks in the village when your own reinforcements are vulnerable.

What I would like to know whether it is possible to win this scenario consistently without resorting to reinforcement ambush or smoke screen? It would be fun to achieve a total victory in this scenario fairly... :D

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I was playing Axis vs AI (+25% troops) and I tried this and ended up winning:

I first crushed the infantry and some halftracks. I also shot two Stuarts and one Cromwell which were coming out of the town. Then I pulled Wittman back and positioned his Tiger so that he had a narrow line to that little cottage and road.

When the reinforcements came I pulled tanks back also a little bit (Tigers have slow turret so I prefer using narrow lines). My infantry stayed in the forest, Panzerschreck destroyed one Sherman. I got my tanks well positioned and intense shooting began when Allied started to advance! Then I made a counter-attack from left flank. You have to be really careful because those Sherman Fireflies.

I have never used smoke but maybe I should try that sometime.


[ July 28, 2002, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Nekander ]

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I used the Tiger's prime talent : stand and shoot till everything burns.

I parked Wittman behind the houses near where you start off to protect his flanks. The AI blindly drove tanks and HT's at the flag near his position (be sure you are controlling the VL, that way the AI will try to take it off you) which meant a duckshoot for a crack Tiger.

When the reinforcements arrived I moved the infantry in the buildings, from where they scattered and broke the English infantry. I sent 2 Tigers towards the left flank on the curving road (pick your moment : side armor is exposed !). This setup a nice crossfire making sure that anything that dared to venture beyond the safety of the town got waxed instantly.

I didn't bother going for the flag in the town but killed all the tanks around it from long range (still from the startup position), thus making sure it was undecided at the end of the battle.

I lost 1 Tiger and the PzIV.

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you know, the first time i played that scenario(when i didn't know what i was doing), i won that scenario easily. then after months of playing, i thought i'd play an easy one, so i picked good ole villers bocage, and no matter how many times i restarted it, i lost. lol...

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oh yes, Villers Bocage,one of my favorites. Having played hotseat against my buddy and multiple times against AI, I still never tire of this scenario. As such I thinks I have the gameyest of gamey down pat on this one. Smoke?!?

BAH!!! Real men need to see what kills them. :D

Start out cruise up to the rise overlooking the village and let Wittman annihilate all that he sees. On turn 8 "Fast" move on the right flank down the dirt road and position behind where the reinforcements come onboard. It's tricky getting good LOS without too much expsosure but it can be down. Sit and wait, when reinforcements come on map "reverse" to the right most edge of map (german perspective). Lose Wittman 1 out of 2 tries but the damage...very nice. ;)

Then with my reinforcements use 1 or 2 Tigers in overwatch at the starting position while the balance of inf and armor wreck havoc.

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