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Gordon, idea for your next rumble...

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...ok, ok, I know you said your time was not going to allow you to run one, but I got to thinking about Band of Brothers and then this occurred to me -

A team rumble dated 6 Jun 1944. On the one side, US paratroopers. On the other, rear area German troops.

Here's the hook.

It's a blind rumble to start. No one knows who the other players are. The US paratroops are scattered all over the map, and email addresses are only revealed to them once their unit is within shouting distance of another US unit - or a designated rally point for that squad's company.

Make it a large map with several secondary objectives - say, a German gun battery (like in BoB), a regimental headquarters, a road/causeway leading to the invasion beaches, a small village, a crossroads, etc.

German troops are similarly disorganized - the crew of the battery, the regimental headquarters (with cut phone lines due to Allied bombing or French resistance activity), the truck convoy, the second line garrison of a small village, etc. are all from different units and out of contact with each other. None of the German players knows who the others are either.

Granted, each player would get to see his whole side's forces on the map, but if he truly had no way of contacting any of the other players, there could still be no co-ordination - all moves would go to the Game Master.

Each player would get a squad or two of paratroops, or if German say a platoon of infantry.

Worth considering? By the time someone got it rolling, I suppose CMBB will be here and any Rumblers would be slugging it out at Kursk, Berlin, or Stalingrad.

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