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Why is the Panther A so cheap for the Russians?

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I have been looking long and hard for a Russian tank able to stand up against the German cats. And now, I have found it. It is the captured Panther A! This little treasure not only lacks the occassional armor weaknesses of the Panther A the Germans can buy, it also is cheaper, at only 207 points compared to the 230+ points the German player has to pay. Is this some error?

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I don't know about the cost thing, but with the 400 tests that I did when Panther A's faced another (captured) Panther A, the results were incredibly even.

Out of 400 Panther's that the Germans fielded in June 1944, they lost 214. Out of 400 captured Panther's that the Russians fielded, they lost 200.

So far, that is the most even results yet. If you want a totally even match, I say use them in a QB. Three platoons of 5 for the Germans and five platoons of 3 for the Russians on a small 5000 point map with light trees and modest hills makes for a real nice battle. Your tactics and NOT your equipment will be what wins it for you.

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meldorian --

It might be worth it. Check to see whether it retains the German optics (for a Panther, hm, they should be either Binocular or Dual-Mag. Probably Binocular, as the manual says the DM are for 'late-model Panthers', and A probably doesn't qualify.) For a non-conscript crew, they'll give some advantage.

You'll also want to consider other factors, like ammo count, crew, turret speed... and rarity. That Panther will probably be penalized a fair bit even when available.

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