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Introductory / training scenario

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I am going to have a three hour block of time to use CM as an example of a commercial computer game that can be used as a tactical training tool for my reserve unit.

My plan is to have two machines on a LAN. Two teams of players will generate a plan for each side using info from a situation brief, and then execute that plan in the game. After the game, there will be a critique.

The scenario should be fairly simple, with clear objectives. It should have some elements of combined arms, some variety of unit types, and have a good historical feel to it. Any nominations for an existing scenario?

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I think an especially cool idea would be to try and let your unit see themselves in action. For instance, if they are an armoured unit, place some similar (though WW2!) units in your scenario. Also, a GREAT idea might be to develop a map that is loosely based on where your unit trains or is based.

Basically, it might be more work but design one to help your unit, who is probably unfamiliar and maybe even sceptical, immerse themselves in the game.

Also, be sure you use alot of fireworks like tigers and heavy arty. Maybe a plane, buildings and BIG hills! You'll have 'em hooked in no time!

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email me when you get this, When I get home this afternoon I can go into Combatmission chat and talk with you there about it, or can finish up in email. There are a lot of variables, and I might have a scenario that fits the bill, or might be able to make one for you depending when you need it.


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