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Has this happened to anyone else

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I played a Quick Battle yesterday with the following parameters: Combined Arms, Medium Quality, 1,000 Point Axis Attack on a Small Rural Map with Moderate Trees and Moderate Hills. I played as Allies for this 20 turn battle. I won the QB with 100% morale and a 100% Victory. There was not one shot fired nor one casualty for either side. Bizarre but true.

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This was an attack by the Axis. Woods covered the entire width of the map preventing the Axis' four armored units from getting near my units. The enemy infantry was bunched at the near end (close to my dug in forces) of the trees. My units did in fact sight several infantry units but did not fire as they were in a hidden ambush setup. Also, it was a dawn/dusk battle with fog. It was the most boring victory I have ever won against the AI.

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Originally posted by Commander:

This was an attack by the Axis. Woods covered the entire width of the map preventing the Axis' four armored units from getting near my units. The enemy infantry was bunched at the near end (close to my dug in forces) of the trees. My units did in fact sight several infantry units but did not fire as they were in a hidden ambush setup. Also, it was a dawn/dusk battle with fog. It was the most boring victory I have ever won against the AI.

With all that kind of map, under those conditions, I am not surprised.
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Originally posted by Commander:

This was an attack by the Axis. Woods covered the entire width of the map preventing the Axis' four armored units from getting near my units. The enemy infantry was bunched at the near end (close to my dug in forces) of the trees. My units did in fact sight several infantry units but did not fire as they were in a hidden ambush setup. Also, it was a dawn/dusk battle with fog. It was the most boring victory I have ever won against the AI.

Heh, try the same thing w/ FOW off, and have one of your units fire and get spotted...the whole AI force will come right at that one unit...nothing else to fixate on.
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I once played a battle called "Steel Fields."









I manuevered my 2 platoons of shermans skillfully (heheh) around and through the bocage, expecting at any minute to meet up with the German Panzers. But after 15 minutes of manuevering I owned the flag and there was no enemy in sight. The end of the battle came and I checked the map. There were all the Panzers lined up on the roads at their end of the map. Just sitting there idling. Never moved one inch. I never did figure out why they never moved. There were open roads to the objective flags.



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