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hi I am new to combat mission

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I just got combat mission and it is cool. So u guys give me some tips. I have on gripe though, the graphic seem really bright. I mean the wheat fields are really yellow, too much so in fact and some of the brtish sherman tanks are in fact just shadows. In fact they are just black. I have geforce 2 mx card, so what do u think. cool game love it to bits.

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Let me be the first to welcome you to our mad legion of fanatics. Your technical questions will doubtless be answered shortly, during which you will learn the glories of mods, proper settings, etc., but for now take a moment and reflect that your life will never be the same. This is a good thing, but your wife/girlfriend or husband/boyfriend, family, coworkers, friends and such may not think so, for they'll see little of you--unless you can recruit them into our fold.

Now that you're properly briefed, report to CM Borg for assimilation. Resistance is futile!


John Kettler

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Welcome to the party, I hope you have a cable modem or dsl, because you've got a lot of downloading to do.

See you over at the CMHQ chatroom. You don't have to come around for tcp/ip games, you can just BS, tell warstories or ask questions. We can help you get up to speed. But you will be busy for at least 2 weeks doing nothing but testing out how diffrent armored fighting vechicals perform against each other.

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