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area fire revisited

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Hi all,

I read a post on (arty) areafire and yes it does make sense to supress the enemy with it. Now consider the following: Two opposing patches of wood with in one the enemy Inf and in the other one my inf. In order to take the enemies positions I give my FO an areafire order to supress the enemy inf. All so far ok, however (and now my question) Now I want to move my inf in. (So crossing the open field between the patches of wood). If I cancel the area fire order, will the enemy inf be on it toes again before my inf reached them?? because if I don't cancel the order my inf will walk straight in to my own arty......So question is whether some one has some idea's on this ????

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It all comes down to getting the timing right. I'd suggest giving your troops about to jump off with the assault perhaps a couple of pause orders so that they wont have time to get right across no-mans land by the end of the turn. The following turn you cancel the bombardment & hope that the enemy still stays surpressed enough to enable your tropps to get in amongst them.

In stating the above, it's easier said than done and what can also help your attack is some direct area fire from supporting MG positions & tanks if you have them, at likely positions in the forest where you would guess the enemy are located. Just simply look at the terrain you're about to assault & ask yourself, where would I place my troops if I was the defender.

I hope the above helps.


Jim R.

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Direct area fire is best during/after an arty barrage for keeping the enemy down until the infantry can get there.

I am having success using area fire within super-narrow covered arcs. This makes sure that the units engaged in area fire are not distracted by other targets of opportunity that will probably vanish into markers before effective fire is brought to bear.

Make the covered arc as small as possible outlining the area fire line. This way the only target that unit may fire at is one you are trying to suppress anyway. It has a danger of allowing other enemy units outside the arc to have what amounts to a 'free shot' at the suppressing units... but war is risk, and it is only for 60 seconds.

I never area fire without a covered arc. One exposed enemy unit outside that area for just a second blows the whole thing and exposes your attackers to now-unsupressed fire.

Try it .... you'll like it.


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For CMBB, it is worth noting that artillery area fire is not designed for assaulting the area where the shells are falling (requires too much timing and accurate artillery), but to prevent enemy units from shooting at your men going elsewhere or to cover a wide area containing enemy units.

To suppress the enemy in the woods where you are headed, best is to area fire with a machinegun and/or a tank. In CMBB, such area fire is very effecive in suppressing enemy fire. It also helps to soften up the enemy with direct fire before assaulting.

Also note that in CMBB, moving infantry is MUCH more likely to go to ground when being fired at, depending on unit quality. Green units will hit the ground or run away almost at the first shot. So suppression of enemy units is more important in CMBB (and fortunaely also more effective).


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