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Damaged gun or just shaken?


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I hit a tank and the message came up "penetration at weak point". This occurred at 30 secs. The tank had LOS for the rest of the turn but never shot after that with the main gun, BUT did fire his MG. I'm thinking the tank crew was either shaken or the gun was damaged. If the crew is shaken, can they still fire the MG? If the answer is no, they can't fire, then the gun must be damaged, but if the answer is yes, then that means they were at the least, only shaken with a possibility of the gun being damaged. Also, gun damage reporting is only to the owner of the tank, is it not?

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Sounds like you have detailed armor hits on. If that is the case, then you will know when you cause gun damage to an enemy tank.

Penetration sometimes occurs without knocking out a tank, or causing the crew to abandon it. Just means the round did some damage, but not enough. And yes, some of the crew are likely shaken up, so they didn't fire the main gun, but the bow gunner still had his wits about him and kept on firing. This tank is likely to be abandoned by the crew soon, if it gets hit another time or two. Hope this answers your question.

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You won't know for sure if you damaged the gun, even with detailed hits on. You will see 'gun damaged' yes, but only the tank owner will know if it was actually damaged.

I know this because I got a 'gun damage' hit on a German PzIV one game, so next turn I moved a tank out into a good LOS to finish it off, and the Panzer returned fire, taking out my Sherman. My opponent told me the gun was hit, but not damaged.

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I just experienced that same deal myself. When I started shelling the village with the 8 inch howitzers this Panzy, I mean Panzer climbed a hill and one of my tank destroyers hit it and I got the message, "Gun hit". The enemy tank then proceeded to shoot back with that same gun. I just figured the computer meant a machine gun had been hit because that main gun shot one more time before a Sherman 105 took it out.

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The tank is a StugIII and the weakest point of armor is the turret. Since the msg said it was hit at the weakest point, then that would mean the turret. I think tho that my assumptions were correct. Tho, for this specific situation. The gun did not fire this next turn and had ample reason to. So, I do believe that the hit was a good hit and damaged the gun. I know that sometimes you can't believe what is reported to you, but in this instance, and any specific same instances in the future, the result will be the same. It will just take a good deal of close watching to see exactly how a tank responds that can give you insights to what really happened so that you can effectively (which turns out to read 'brilliantly') engage the enemy and put a big question in your opponents head..."How'd you do that?" which is as powerful as a turn of 150mm VT.

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Two things.

1. It is not a penetration at the "weakest" point. It is a penetration at A weak point. It could be anywhere on the facing armor.

2. With detailed armor hits on, if you see gun damaged, the gun will NOT fire again. If you see gun hit, you cannot be sure of what will happen. Big difference. Also one of the reasons to only play with Franko's True Combat rules. Just say no to omniscience!

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