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Snow uniforms CMMOS

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I wonder when snow uniforms for CMMOS will become available. Is anyone working on it and when is it expected to be finished? Now the vehicles are all white-washed the normal uniforms seem out of place in snowy landscapes. I understand it is a lot of work, but I'm just curious.

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Well, as of now its not really possible. Gordon, correct me if i'm wrong, but there is no file list *yet* for the uniforms. Same reason there aren't any CMMOS terrain mods. I converted Captain Wacky's Gridded Terrain's to CMMOS (God these are great, thanks CW), but i needed to write my own FileLists and put it in the appropriate directory to do so. Gordon said the next version will have new FileLists but I'm not sure the uniforms are one of them. I know he did the buildings, but other than that, i don't know. Take a look at C:\Program Files\Gem Software\CMBB\FileLists and you'll see what i mean.

Edit: While I'm at it, I just wanted to thank Gordon for his excellent program. Win32 programming is about as fun as getting a root canal if you ask me, and this guy doesn't even get paid. Not to mention the work required just to write the FileLists for every vehicle. So, again, Thanks!!

Edit Again: If you really want them CMMOS compatable, its not that hard. Just create your FileList (and put it in the above directory), then make your RuleSet number between 990-999 (for custom rulesets). Take a look at the thread on how to do it that someone has been writing recently. But don't release it publicly since having to add a FileList would screw up the whole CMMOS format (not to mention the RuleSet number).

[ December 06, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Baetis ]

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I have done filelists for german uniforms and sended them to Gordon, so they will be in next release of CMMOS.

I will see if I can get AndrewTFs winter uniforms CMMOS conversion done in near future. Basically I am working on with uniform ruleset and then perhaps have to see if need some modificagtions to mod files.

Not much to do, but school and work are taking too much time...

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