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The Communists get CMBB!

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Hi, I'm amazed you got yours so quick. I'm still waiting in the PI for it. Marcus (tools4fools) will be heading back to Asia in Oct going to BGK, HK and S. China and then down to Manila. If you're down here in January, Feb drop a line and we could all meet for a beer and possibly do a game or battle.

Come to think of it I might be in HK when Marcus is up there so maybe we should do a Far East face off?

All best


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CDIC, time to enjoy the fun now! It's just a great game! 5am here and I'm oplaying since more than 12 hrs...

I will be in Hkk around x-mas for sure and got already in touch with Griffin Cheng and HAL9000 for drinks and a little CM meeting. Wouldn't mind to hop over once more in February/March, will be in Manila then and it's only short flight to Hkk.

Pat, Philippine mail will take a bit longer :D Remember that parcel with my slides? Switzerland-Manila Airport Post office 3 days. Then from there to your home (about6-7km)14 days. Snail mail

at its finest :D:D:D




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Beer in Hong Kong sounds cool! When you guys get dates sorted drop me a message. I will be in Hong Kong at end of October, and maybe again in November. Too early to say about Xmas or 2003.

PS. Keef - Griffin has a spare copy ;) A beer or 2 may go a long way.....oh...i forgot, Griffin does not drink! I feel your pain, really i do.

Patrick, long time no hear! Hope you are well.


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Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

Oh nooooooooo!

About 90% thru the install i get a "Read Error"

"The system cannot read from the specified device"

I shall try my second disk drive - a CDRW....

CDIC in a panic!

CDIC, had probs too, but wasn't the disk but the CD-Rom. Maybe after 2 years with the CMBO disk in the CD-Rom it didn't want any other CD's in there anymore...

CDRW did the trick but it took quite a bit longer.

Had another CD once where CD got a read error while installing the game, CC 3 I think. Copied the whole disk via the explorer to the HD and installed it from there.

Will keep you informed about Hongkong in December once I get closer. Starting next Sunday to Bkk.


Good luck with BB.



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My worst fears :(

This time the CDRW went further and managed about 96 to 98 percent although it was stuttering on a few wav files before grinding to a halt, then i got another error message:

CRC failed in Wav\00093308

CRC failed in Wav\00093309

CRC failed in Wav\00093310

Then the same message as before: "The system cannot read from the specified device" and the install halted.


Looks like i had better head on over to the tech support forum and sign up :(

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Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

A beer or 2 may go a long way.....oh...i forgot, Griffin does not drink! I feel your pain, really i do.

This May I had two cans of YinKing beer and they are smooth to take and I don't have any allergic reactions afterwards. Looks like it is fine for me. smile.gif

Any chance of a PBEM with CMBB -- my email address is still intact!


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Griffen I decided to check your website out just for a lark and this is what I got

A billion websites, and you had to pick this one.

Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL.


nice to see your webserver has a sense of humour smile.gif

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Originally posted by Canuck:

Griffen I decided to check your website out just for a lark and this is what I got

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />A billion websites, and you had to pick this one.

Actually, we couldn't find the page you requested. Please check the URL.


nice to see your webserver has a sense of humour smile.gif </font>

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Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

Its here! :D:D I take back everything i said about the China post office!

Our Father, which art in heaven, give us this day a CMBB disk that will work when i put it in my CD drive..................fingers crossed!


I am also a Chinese, livning in Ottawa. No Bundle Pack (Ordered 09/16) yet. I don't know what the hell is going on but it seems that I am the only one who still haven't got his pack today:(.

To be honest, I feel very frustrated and worried since I might pay CDN$100 just for nothing before Thanksgiving.

If this is due to the tardiness of Canada Customs and Canada Post, I must say that they should feel ashamed for their low-stand service.

I immigrated from communist China, a notable part of the reason why my immigrated is that China is not a free and open country, so every publication must be approved (at least officially). This gave me no confidence at all for China Customs, since they might just confisticate my software package from USA as st. "might be poisonous". Also, the mail system in China in notoriously unreliable ...

How can I live in a country that you dare not to buy games/books online from outside world?

However, this time even some Chinese guys living in mainland got their CMBB package before me, who's living in the Capital of Canada and one of the closest cities from BTS warehouse! This is just too cynical: how could the Customs & Post beauracracy here serve us in a lower standard in comparison with communist China, whose custom officers are scanning mails carefully like drug dogs, and whose mailing system are criticized all the time by me before?

Believe it or not, this is the only time that I REALLY wish I was living in China now. At least I can play my CMBB without such an endless Everyone-gets-his-except-me frustration.

BTW, before this unpleasant experience, I could get all my mails in 4-5 working days, even from as far as Hongkong.

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Well, it's National Day today in the HKSAR and I'm sitting here in front of my iMac writing this message when I should playing CMBB simply 'cos I ain't got it yet!

Maybe Hong Kong customs have just embarked on a rapid learning curve of Mainland customs inspection procedures.

Right, that's it, enough humiliation, back to CMBO!

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I immigrated from communist China, a notable part of the reason why my immigrated is that China is not a free and open country, so every publication must be approved (at least officially). This gave me no confidence at all for China Customs, since they might just confisticate my software package from USA as st. "might be poisonous". Also, the mail system in China in notoriously unreliable ...

How can I live in a country that you dare not to buy games/books online from outside world?

Hi Tianshu

Not sure how long ago you left China, but it is fair to say things are changing, and have changed considerably over the last 7 years that i have been in Shanghai. I got my copy of CMBB intact, it was not opened by customs. On the package it was declared as "software" and it arrived in good time. I ordered CMBO via Griffin a couple of years ago because i was concerned for the same reasons as you, but this year after receiving many parcels from overseas without problem i ordered CMBB direct to Shanghai. It worked.

However, this time even some Chinese guys living in mainland got their CMBB package before me, who's living in the Capital of Canada and one of the closest cities from BTS warehouse! This is just too cynical: how could the Customs & Post beauracracy here serve us in a lower standard in comparison with communist China, whose custom officers are scanning mails carefully like drug dogs, and whose mailing system are criticized all the time by me before?

Its a conspiracy! :D:D No justice in this world eh?

Believe it or not, this is the only time that I REALLY wish I was living in China now. At least I can play my CMBB without such an endless Everyone-gets-his-except-me frustration.

You are welcome to come back anytime ;)

Seriously, i hope you get your copy soon! We are lacking Asian players - soon we can set up the "Far East Club" as suggested by Griffin.


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Keef, I am sorry to hear that you still haven't got your CMBB. We are both in Hong Kong, and I got my CMBB about 10 days after the purchase via internet (I purchased three times at battlefront and the time period of delivery is similar: about 8-10 days). I am sure that u will play CMBB very soon Be patience!

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Hi James...

You are on the bottom of my list for things to do...


I have not played one game of CM since our last game / the finish of the tourney.

Each night Debbie has me doing things on the house.

I am storing credit for the new game... ;)

I have just contacted an old friend in NY state and if they give me the go ahead I shall be ordering a double pack from the states.

I need an extra copy to give to my godson who wants to beat up on me.

As for our game, I have not forgotten about it and I do intend on doing the set-up.

In fact I shall do it tonight. Honest...


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