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About Tianshu

  • Birthday 09/18/1973


  • Location
    Ottawa, Canada

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Just got my Bundle Pack from local Shopper's Drug Mart. Now installing CMBB ans it DOES take very long. BTS declared my mail as US$5 worth SOFTWARE(!). However, Canada Customs didn't believe that. So they checked and decided "Value for Duty" is $40, so Duty is0, GST is $2.8 but Handling Fee is $5.0. So I paid $7.8 ransom. I must say that it's quite unfair for me to blame Canada Customs and Canada Post early this week. Actually they did a very good job this time and almost no delay at all on my mail. I got my package almost 1 week late simply because it stayed somewhere for a whole week. Best wishes to all you guys who are still crossing your fingers. Everyone would be satisfied soon, I think.
  2. I formally requested the shipping confirmation of MY individual order last Friday. But 5 days passed, they still could not provide it. This is ridiculously long for the customer service of an online sales company. BTS, please don't passively wait 2-4 weeks because you think some lousy systems like Canada Customs might delay a mail that long. Why not start careful reviewing NOW to recheck the warehouse shipping status of those orders still not received? What if you make some mistakes in your shipping? (even 0.1% error rate means almost 100 orderers will NEVER receive their games, and humans always make errors.)
  3. Today still no news for my CM Bundle Pack! God this is the 12th day after it's shipping!! I formerly wrote BTS sales representative last Friday to ask for a shipping confirmation for MY individual order and he/she promised that "I will confirm everything with once more with the warehouse". But today 5 days have passed, I still got nothing I asked for. I must say that this simple internal process takes TOO LONG and make me less confident about BTS's capability to actually help me in the worst scenario. I can wait for 2 more days. If by this weekend I still can't get my PAID games, I would probably start to regret this order. This is no fun. I would rather pay double to simple get it from a local store.
  4. Second thought, maybe we can ask BTS to email us the electronic file of the manual first! Since we have already bought our games, we will sooner or later get the printed manual and electronic ones on CDROM as well. So why can't they just send the manual files to us as an apeasement and at least let us prepared ourselves better for the incoming endless, bloody battles? BTS have already provided some other uninstallable files for users to download, so it is quite justified for them to email manual to us poor whiners.
  5. Okay, maybe I 'whined' myself but all of us have to remember that tens of thousands of packages cross the border everyday and we just have to give Canada Customs some time to go through them. They don't open every package as I've had some packages go through without any customs tag on them or duty when there should have been. I therefore humbly apologize for my post and to Tianshu. I guess I'm just cranky at work.</font>
  6. No complaining? That's why you are enjoying such a system where even cross-border mail would take > 10 days and BTS set the normal schedule for canadians to amazing 2-4 weeks (A shame for a neighbour). Yes, waiting a game for another 1-2 weeks won't kill us, but think about those more important mails and the overall inefficiency in this system. Even online salers like BTS or Amazon might suffer since next time some people may not be patient enought to wait 2 weeks and buy st. online cross border( I might be patient enough for 2 weeks, but maybe next time it takes 4 weeks or even longer). After all, I am not whining just for this game, eh? Even for this game, i believe both of us want to share the game experience with so many people here NOW, not to be left behind as a sore rookie.
  7. Thanks for this valuable information but it still takes too long:( Last year a guy mailed me SMAC/Alien Crossfire from New York after I bought them from eBay. It's a very big package with too old-size game boxes. But it wook only 4 days to arrive Ottawa. By now, my Bundle Pack has been travelling en route for almost ten days, just to cross the saftest border in the world. Too tardy:)
  8. I am also a Chinese, livning in Ottawa. No Bundle Pack (Ordered 09/16) yet. I don't know what the hell is going on but it seems that I am the only one who still haven't got his pack today:(. To be honest, I feel very frustrated and worried since I might pay CDN$100 just for nothing before Thanksgiving. If this is due to the tardiness of Canada Customs and Canada Post, I must say that they should feel ashamed for their low-stand service. I immigrated from communist China, a notable part of the reason why my immigrated is that China is not a free and open country, so every publication must be approved (at least officially). This gave me no confidence at all for China Customs, since they might just confisticate my software package from USA as st. "might be poisonous". Also, the mail system in China in notoriously unreliable ... How can I live in a country that you dare not to buy games/books online from outside world? However, this time even some Chinese guys living in mainland got their CMBB package before me, who's living in the Capital of Canada and one of the closest cities from BTS warehouse! This is just too cynical: how could the Customs & Post beauracracy here serve us in a lower standard in comparison with communist China, whose custom officers are scanning mails carefully like drug dogs, and whose mailing system are criticized all the time by me before? Believe it or not, this is the only time that I REALLY wish I was living in China now. At least I can play my CMBB without such an endless Everyone-gets-his-except-me frustration. BTW, before this unpleasant experience, I could get all my mails in 4-5 working days, even from as far as Hongkong.
  9. I am also in Ottawa. No Bundle Pack (Ordered 09/16) yet. I don't know what the hell is going on but it seems that I am the only one who still haven't got his pack today:(. To be honest, I feel very frustrated and worried since I might pay CDN$100 just for nothing before Thanksgiving. If this is due to the tardiness of Canada Customs and Canada Post, I must say that they should feel ashamed for their low-stand service. I immigrated from communist China, a slight part of the reason of my immigration is that China is not a free and open country, so every publication must be approved (at least officially). This gave me no confidence at all for China Customs, since they might just confisticate my software package from USA as st. "might be poisonous". Also, the mail system in China in notoriously unreliable ... How can I live in a country that you dare not to buy games/books online from outside world? However, this time even some Chinese guys living in mainland got their CMBB package before me, who's living in one of the closest cities from BTS warehouse! This is just too cynical: how could the Customs & Post beauracracy here serve us in a lower standard in comparison with communist China, whose custom officers are scanning mails carefully like drug dogs? Believe it or not, this is the only time that I really wish I was living in China now. At least I can play my games without such a Everyone-gets-his-except-me frustration. Before this I can get all my mails in 4-5 working days, even from Hongkong.
  10. Still waiting for my 09/16 Bundle Pack Order in Ottawa, Canada. It seems all Ottawa guys got their packages except mine. I feel really frustrated and worried.
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