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Victory conditions

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Hiya guys, I have a coupla questions when it comes to Victory Determination (the manual is pretty vague on the subject).

First: Operations. I have DL'ed a bunch of operations on various websites (can't wait till CMBB is available here in Norway...) and it seems they are always very vague on operation objective. I have resorted to loading the operation in the scenario editor and checking the parameters (advance/assault/destroy). Or are you as a player meant to be kept in the dark on just what the heck you are supposed to be doing? smile.gif

Second: Battles. Does anybody know the formula the game uses to determine victory points? Casualties, VL's, exit (?) all generate points, but according to which formula?

Thirdly, and this is a tangent: I heard a rumour that due to copyright issues, ASL-CM conversions are "not allowed". It seems silly in the extreme, is it true?

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> First: Operations.

No it should always be clear to you what you are trying to do. Advance and Assault you're trying to get to the end of the map (but most times the designer doesn't tell you how big the map is - ARGH!). Destroy - only points for destroying enemy units. In CMBB, you can also get points for flags in operations.

> Second: Battles. Does anybody know the formula > the game uses to determine victory points?

> Casualties, VL's, exit (?) all generate points, > but according to which formula?

The victory flags are 300 points for a big one, 100 points for a small one. I think casualty points are equal to the purchase point for the unit killed - so a big flag is roughly worth a company of casualties.

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I think it boils down to this: You earn points by

- controlling flags

- killing enemies

- exiting units

Casualties are dead/wounded/captured/knocked out. Captured units give extra points, but I'm not sure if dead/wounded makes any difference, and I don't know how much exited units are worth.

Your victory percentage is then - I think - calculated as your percentage of all points earned by you and your opponent:

victory % = Your points / (Your points + Opponent's points)

On the subject of victory points I have a couple of questions to add:

- Anybody know how it works out for crews? That is, if my Tiger is knocked out but the crew lives then how many points have I lost?

- Regarding FOs: Do they change value depending on whether their ammo has been expended?

- Does an immobilized tank cost victory points?

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