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CMBB System usable with CMBO?

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KEEF888, the posibility of revisiting the Western front after the engine rewrite has been mentioned before, but that would only come AFTER CMBB is all fixed up nice and pretty and CM2 is finished. CMBB is NOT CM2; it is CMBO beffed up with a new paint job, better dashboard, improved steering, but the same engine. CM2 will be CM with the engine rewrite, whenever that happens in the future. See our other post, that might help.

Chad Harrison

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This all may be a bit confusing. Each release can be referred to with a number (i.e. - CMBO would be CM1, while CMBB would be CM2). The engine rewrite is designated with roman numerals, thus CMII is the next engine. Sounds a bit anal, but people are mixing these minor terms up and it confuses people.

Unfortunately CMBO's units will not be present in CMBB. CMBB will strictly consist of units and AFVs found on the Eastern Front. It would be nice to have them, but a lot of effort was put into the TO&E for CMBB and consequently it would require a lot of work to bring CMBO up to the same level as CMBB.

The next game after CMBB is, tenatively, going to cover the Mediterranean theater and you'll be able to get a large majority of the units that are in CMBO. So for most respects you could redo CMBO games. An actual game that intentionally covers NWE probably won't come out until CM5 (which may involve another engine rewrite CMIII). A major caveat here is that nothing has been set in stone at this rate other than the very next project is the engine rewrite - CMII (after CMBB is patched and 'completed'). There's a possibility that the theaters/fronts could change order from what has been set forth earlier.

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smile.gif Thanks guys. Also, I appreciate the "definitions" concerning CMBO, CMBB, CMII, etc. I was getting confused by the different uses of the phrase "CM2", in various threads. Sometimes, it would be used in context with CMBB, and sometimes as another game entirely. Thank you for clearing that up. :cool:
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