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Yet another bogging question

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Does the chance of immobilization due to bogging increase if you run more than one vehicle across the same patch of terrain?

The reason I am asking is that I always assumed that if you ran multiple vehicles thru the same spot the following vehicles would get bogged and immobilized with greater frequency compared to the lead vehicle. I observed this on several occasions (maybe bad luck?) so I always avoid sending my tanks over the same patch of terrain which sometimes can ruin my plans to move my forces into proper position.

I conducted a crude test to see if this was true by moving a M4 Sherman for ~800m on level wet open ground followed by another M4 Sherman thru the same path a short time later. The results showed that there doesn't seem to be any greater chance of immobilization for the following vehicles. This is a crude test and was done only 3 times with 20 tanks each only recording immobilizations. Does anybody have any other info to contradict this?

p.s. I did do a search on this topic and after scanning many threads I didn't find a specific answer to this question.

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It seems to me that vehicles usually bog down at the same spot as well. If I got a vehicle bogged and manage to move it out again I try to avoid to move over the same spot again. Just a tile to the left or right seems to make chances smaller to bog down again.

Anybody observed somethink like this as well? Are there certain tiles "affected" and bogging vehicles during a battle or does it change randomly over the whole map during a battle? Anybody knows?

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In my experience...No...

I have not played enough bog environment yet to state that it is a question of speed...but it seems to me that vehicles are less prone to bogging if they move slower....Maybe that the crew keeps more attention to the ground while moving slower (hunt)...i also tried do stop bogged vehicles and reverse out...but that doesn't work...reversing vehicles are immobilized nearly the same times than forward moving bogged vehicles

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I don't think your bog chance increases with traffic. You do know about a quick reverse and forward to try to get out of the bog, I guess. There is nothing worse than bogging when your AFV has no line of sight to the enemy. Unfortunately, I just lost a game where my opponent bogged a Sherman on the forward slope of a snowy hill with full view of my lines. He just sat there and lobbed shells at me the whole game!

Good Luck!

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