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Best way to play against AI?

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I'm sure this has probably been discussed before, but I'm not sure what to call my search. I just got CM one week ago today, but the last three times I've played the AI, I have massacred it. I've suffered a combined total of less than 30 casualties, while the AI has taken well over 300 in the same time. In all three scenarios, the AI surrendered less than half-way into the game...

I'm sure I'm still not that great at the game, although I'm starting to successfully apply some of the tactics I've read about on here (pulled off a beautiful ambush last night!). These scenarios are giving me a good chance to try new things like the ambush or attacking hull-down, but I'm obviously not up against the most talented opponent in the world. I realize that ambushing a real person will be much harder. So here's my question. When I'm playing the AI, what is the best way to do it? Should I play set scenarios or QB's? If I'm playing a QB, should I attack, defend, probe, or play a ME? Is it better to let the AI buy units, or should I do it manually? If manually, should I do it for both sides, or just me?

Any feedback on this will be greatly appreciated. I know the best opponent is another human, and I'm playing in SuperTed's newbie tournament which starts tomorrow. I can't wait, but I LIKE playing against the AI sometimes. Sorry to any old grogs on here who may have seen this question asked before...


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When I'm playing the AI, what is the best way to do it? Should I play set scenarios or QB's? If I'm playing a QB, should I attack, defend, probe, or play a ME? Is it better to let the AI buy units, or should I do it manually? If manually, should I do it for both sides, or just me?

Hey dude.

Other people will answer, but I think that when playing the A.I., human designed scenarios can be best. The authors usually try and make them interesting.

If playing against the A.I. you should almost always let it defend. It is not very focused on the attack. (See some of the threads in the main forum, about the A.I.)

Personally, a Probe against the A.I. with a +3 experience modifier is a tough fight. As you start out fairly balanced in size, and the computer will make you pay for mistakes.

Don't know about the buying of units, as I always let the computer pick.

Hope this helps. smile.gif


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Attack the AI instead of making it attack you, and let the computer pick both side's forces so you don't get an edge from selection and also don't know what you are up against. Use the force size handicap rather than the quality level one, to reduce the odds to about even (give back the attacker's force size edge, in other words - e.g. probe with -20% force size, or attack with -30%). If you want to defend, give the attacker a 30% force size edge so you face 2:1 odds, or use the "assault" battle type and a 10 or 20% attacker bonus. Defending at very low odds can be challenging in ammo terms, among other things.

But however you stretch things, you will eventually learn enough decent tactics and enough "stupid AI trick" (techniques that only work against particular AI deficiencies), that it will cease to be a challenge. Get in to playing humans. It really is an entirely different ball of wax, and far more challenging. Decent opponents are not hard to find, and the games can be just as fast if you use TCP/IP (if that is an issue).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by El Griz:

When I'm playing the AI, what is the best way to do it?<hr></blockquote>


<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Should I play set scenarios or QB's? If I'm playing a QB, should I attack, defend, probe, or play a ME?<hr></blockquote>

Doesn't matter too much; the AI does seem slightly better at the defense than at an attack, however.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Is it better to let the AI buy units, or should I do it manually? If manually, should I do it for both sides, or just me?<hr></blockquote>

Doesn't matter too much. I prefer to buy my own units and let the AI buy its own units, but that is just personal preference.

Some further advice:

  • If the AI is attacking, give the attacker +25% (or more) troops in your next battle. If the AI si defending, give the Attacker - 25% or more troops.
  • Use regular/veteran troops for your men and give the AI a +2 or +3 bonus (moves regular troops up to Crack or Elite, making them a lot tougher).
  • If you really want some fun, play on the defense and give the attacker (AI) +50% with +3 morale bonuses. Played that last night and was hard pressed for a few turns to hold the line (amazing, however, what some 4.2", 4.5", and 105mm artillery can do to a heavy troop concentration that happens to be sitting right on top of a TRP!)

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Look for scenarios where the designer makes a recommendation about which side the AI should play.

Search the main forum for posts about a battle of (human) Axis rifle + Pz IV against Allied airbrone with Churchills and Wasps, I posted a savegame there. It is quite hard. Well, maybe I just suck :)

Make sure the flags are worth enough, if needed, edit the scenario to have more flags by just setting several flags next to each other. Flags should be worth 2/3 or even more of the larger force. If you give the AI a 200% advance, you have to edit the scenario to have twice as many flags. The AI always takes high-point losses, especially from careless use of thin but costly vehicles, arty spotters, engineers and such. The normal amount of flags is a Quickbattle or most scenarios is such that the flags don't matter if there is a high-attriction battle. If there are enough flags, the AI can win by pushing you off the board and that is the only way it can win, it will never win by having more knockouts that you.

But while there should be enough flags to make them valuable enough, there should be relativly few places with flags, the AI will disperse its force too much if there are many. Generally I think there should be one or two high-value objectives and two or three (if one only high) low-value places, no matter what the overall value of the flags should be. Bunch up enough flags next to each other in these few places.

Do not exploit known weaknesses of the AI. Do only "challenging" flanking, don't try to kill suspected infantry? markers you know are artillery spotters. Don't run to houses by roads where you know the enemy armour will roll in. Play like you cannot know whether the houses are occupied. That means, move in some real infantry with an AT team, not just the AT team. Protect your FVs with infantry although you know you don't have to.

If needed, edit a scenario so that the AI gets AFVs, especially thin AFVs, not from start. Give it screening infantry from start, then give reinforcements with robust AFVs and arty spotters, then let the support stuff and wasps in. You may set reinforcements not at the edge of the map but further ahead so that the delay will not be enough for you to shoot up all the infantry.

I hope this helps, let me know if you need more tips.

I guess I should make a scenario to proove my points :) Anyone knows of a map with good cover but fast routes he would like to be globbered on by the AI?

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A few things have worked for me:

Try buying the AI's forces for a QB, yet choosing 'random' for your own; if you buy a more or less appropriate force for the battle settings, the AI will probably have a better troop mix than you. Give it roughly 1:1 point odds if it's defending, and at least 2:1 and a morale bonus if it's attacking.


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