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Not my grandpas! Some of them might qualify for the olympics in track and field..

Come on, you louts, Leta and I have already started the second scenario. And congratulations to Leta on the superb attack he did on my **DELETED** and those **DELETED**.

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Me and Jim Liang just made contact on the *DELETED* and my *SEKRIT* was able to push back and destroy a couple of his *NOTHING HERE* but as I took a step further my troops were greeted with a fusillade from *DELETED* and now there is plenty of lead in the air.

I wish we could play faster, but the time difference and us not being able to do turns from work is slowing things down. We exchange a mail a day. =P Maybe we can play faster on sunday.

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Originally posted by White4:

Not my grandpas! Some of them might qualify for the olympics in track and field..

Come on, you louts, Leta and I have already started the second scenario. And congratulations to Leta on the superb attack he did on my **DELETED** and those **DELETED**.

Thanks White4, but your Übergrandpas did it well too. Most of my Canadians are in the hospital, treating the bruises made by the walking sticks of your old boys :D
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Here is my AAR for the rematch scenario I played against Hobo. The name of the scenario was "49th Recce."

Okay, first I set up my troops. Then, I told them to wait and shoot stuff. For a change, I then told them to move around and shoot stuff. Then, Hobo surrendered.

I'm out of breath here!

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Do NOT read if you are currently playing the "Give and Take" scenario in the Newbie GV tournament!!!








I have been asked to post an AAR from my battle with Walker in G&T, where I won 86 to 14 (as German). In case someone comes looking for hints, I'll keep everything as vague as possible.

There isn't that much to tell, really. I went with the predefined setup. Walker attacked early the big house to the NW of the victory location (VL), where I had one squad. My squad killed one enemy team (i.e. half-squad) and 3 members from another (full) squad before succumbing to the inevitable.

After that I didn't see my enemy for about 17 turns. I was thus able to bring forward and deploy nearly all of my reinforcements. I sent one platoon out on either flank to see if he was trying to flank me, but I didn't find anything.

On turn 20 (IIRC) I saw signs of enenmy movement and the next turn he attacked in full. By that time, I had my entire force (- a couple of platoons that I kept in reserve) deployed in good positions around the VL. My units more or less annihilated his entire force, while sustaining light losses.

Those of you that know the scenario will see that I have left out some elements. I have done so in order to give away as little info as possible, and besides, these elements also had little impact on the fighting.

That's it, and that's that!


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Blood'n'Steel Report:

"Oh man! This is a total carnage!. From my observation point I can see at least eighteen smoke columns scattered along the whole battlefield. I see abandoned tanks, jeeps and other vehicles by dozens from here to horizon, his crews running in panic. American and German wreckages are melted everywhere. More and more tank columns are arriving to the slaughterhouse this battle is ... It's a total madness. Leta out."

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Originally posted by Leta:

Blood'n'Steel Report:

"Oh man! This is a total carnage!. From my observation point I can see at least eighteen smoke columns scattered along the whole battlefield. I see abandoned tanks, jeeps and other vehicles by dozens from here to horizon, his crews running in panic. American and German wreckages are melted everywhere. More and more tank columns are arriving to the slaughterhouse this battle is ... It's a total madness. Leta out."


Now that's what I like to hear! :D

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Blood ans Steel AAR (single player version), by: Vader's Jester

Well, it's been a week or two since I finished Ted's monster of an armor battle and I need to get this report out before I forget all the details. Plaese direguard all my horrid spelling errors that I miss!

At turn #1 I timidly send half my jeeps out in about two groups of two to three to see what awits me on the vast, hill scattered map. After a couple of turns I encounter German recon vechicles. Most of the Jeeps are knocked out, but one is able to force the crew of a 250 to bail with his .50 before he meets his end. A turn or two later my Stuarts and Greyhounds spot what they think is a halftrack (the light tanks and A/Cs were advancing slowly from their starting point on the NE side to the SW corner). About twenty 37mm guns open up at once. I tell Ted that it sounds like a 37mm machine gun!! :eek: After twenty-five to forty rounds, they mangage to miss the freak'n thing before it retreats behind a hill. :rolleyes:

Then the carnage begins. On or about turn 13 the AI captures the most distant of the victory flags from my starting point. It is on a hill that overlooks ALL of my sitting-duck Stus and Hounds. Several tanks (ID'd as Tigers of course; dang skiddish allies!) pop over the hill and begin to pop my light armor! :mad: My boys scream in terror and flee in every which direction! Not really. They, belive it or not, stupidly but bravely exchange fire with the German tanks while retreating for cover. Within a few turns, over half of them are dead.

My first renforcement arrives! A renforced company of Shermans. I advance in two packs of 8 to 10 (if I remember correctly) with a huge chip on my shoulder that is looking for a little revenge. I engage the so called Tigers. At first things do not go well with several of my tanks getting KO'd, but then my crews catch up and destroy as many German tanks as they had mine. Woo-hoo! :D I then try to advance out of the NE corner of the map. I send out the rest of the jeeps, and consolodate the remains of my light armor in a large ditch.

My tanks begain getting hit again by fresh German armor (and I thought I had the situation under control, bah!). This time they advance over the same hill, but some are now coming from a hill to the left of my forces. The Jeeps retreat in fear (but provide valuable fire drawing duty as they do this), and my armor does it's best to repel the new threat. Once again, the AI gains the upper hand and knocks out more of my AFVs than I can do to him. :mad:

A new renforced company of Shermans arrvie, and I eagerly get them into the fight as quickly and safely as I can. I catch back up to the toll of vechicles killed, and start to gain the advantage. Durring all of this, I am using a standard practice of mine: evac all crews from the map (I did not know this hurts global morale)

Things seem to be going my way, and I even get another renforced company of Shermans to back up my engaged forces! :eek: Then all hell breaks loose when the AI unleashes the most tanks yet over those same two hills (they are drawn to my victory flags and promices of French ladies if they surrender to my men. I just wish they would stop firing!) They knock out a number of Shermans and take the advantage back. On a high note, the last of my light armor (in the ditch) ambushes the advancing German tanks and knocks out a couple of Mark IVs before dying.

We continue to exchange tank fire. I get my last renforcement (a company of mixed tank destroyers on the southeast corner of the map), and get them into the fight as well. I eventually gain the upper hand, and around turn 65, the fighting seems to stop. Several turns go by with no action and I think they are all out of armor! Then on turn 73 to 75, BAM! eight to ten Jagdpanzers appear at close range and have a go at my Shermans! At this time I have about 4 TDs and 12 Shermans left. The two forces fight for several turns with no knock-outs! :eek: They bounce more rounds off each other's hulls than I have ever seen in a CM armor battle! :eek: Then by turn 78, my Sheramns begin to kill the enemy TDs! SWEET!!!

The final results were something like 60 of my AFVs killed to 90 of the computer's. I pulled a victory, but I belive it was a small one! Jeeze, what a moster of a battle! And it was really fun too!!!

[ February 15, 2002, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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Originally posted by SuperTed:


Great report!

If you (or anybody else) would like to have a go at this monster, I have tweaked it a bit based on your battle.

Also, there is a PBEM and an AI version, so everybody can play. smile.gif

Thanks! smile.gif I'll have another go, but it'll have to go on my back burner as I have three scenarios in the front of the line either awaiting, or being tested right now. I'd love to play the revision! :cool:
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