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Encyclopedia of Soviet Tanks of World War II

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Now that I've got your attention, ;)

I was wondering, if there was a comprehensive book - simillar to the "Encyclopedia of German Tanks fo World War II" by Peter Chamberlain and Hilary Doyle, which dealt with Soviet Armour.

While the "Encyclopedia of Germans Tanks..." contains its share of errors, it is overall not a bad source to refer to with regards to German armour. I'm just hoping that there is a Soviet counterpart, which in all likelyhood would not have been written by the same authors or part of their series on tanks.

I suspect, that a Soviet counterpart, equally as comprehensive (and written in English) has not likely been produced (yet) - but would really appreciate it is someone could prove me wrong. smile.gif

Any takers? ;)

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Originally posted by Little_Black_Devil:


I was wondering, if there was a comprehensive book - simillar to the "Encyclopedia of German Tanks fo World War II" by Peter Chamberlain and Hilary Doyle, which dealt with Soviet Armour.

their series on tanks.

"Soviet tanks and combat vehicles of World War Two", Steven J Zaloga and James Grandsen, A&AP, London, 1984, ISBN 0-85368-606-8.

If there's anything better, I'd like to hear of it.

All the best,


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In the meanwhile, Zaloga et al have brought out some books on Soviet tanks and AFVs that are published as Military Book Club exclusives. I have the one on medium tanks (mainly the T-34) and the one on heavy tanks (KV-1 and -2; JS-1, -2, -3; JSU-122 and -152). They are a lot like the Squadron/Signal line of books: lots of pics, some text, no tabular data. Not everything one would like, but still nice to have.


[ August 29, 2002, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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The Zaloga and Grandsen book is definately the best one so far produced and yes, it is well out-of-print.

There is a new book, which I have on order but haven't seen, "Russian Tanks of WW11" by Tim Bean and Will Fowler (published by Brown)hardback; 176 pages, 200 photos's. Sounds interesting.

The books that Michael refers to were originally published by Concord Publications Ltd and the second one "Stalins Heavy Tanks" is also out-of-print. I would really like to track down a copy of that one. If any one has a copy for sale or knows were one can be obtained (pref. UK)I would be very appreciative.

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Well there's an excellent book called Punaiset Panssarit (Red Armour), but it's only available in Finnish. It's the most exhaustive book on the subject I've seen, covering all aspects of the Red Army's armoured forces from 1914 to 1945.

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If you can find it I'd recommend a little book called "Russian Tanks of World War 2" by John Milsom and Steve Zaloga.

It's not perhaps as complete in technical terms as many, but it includes a lot of info on tactical and operational doctrine and development.

It's one of the Airfix Magazine Guides (#22), is A5 sized, white with green lettering on the cover and long out of print (Patrick Stephens 1977) but may be available 2nd had somewhere.

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