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CMBO not possible onXp

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i´m having problems to start CM on XP, installation works fine, but when i try to start the game the screenof safeDisc appears for a short time and then...nothing more happens.

i have no creative drive, and in other systems(partitions) CM works fine, but i donßt wan every time to reboot only to play CM. has someone found a solution for this problem?#

i searche the forum for solutions but even the search function didn´t find a thread to this toppic. so please if you have a solution post it.

Bova :(

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I haven't heard of any particular problems with the CDV release of CMBO and Windows XP, so I wonder if you're running into something unique here.

The retail version distributed by CDV in Europe apparently uses the Safe Disc copy protection scheme which was requested by CDV (whereas the Internet version doesn't). We've heard of some problems with the Internet version and some CD/DVD drives or device drivers. Sometimes setting the compatibility for CMBO to Windows 2000 may help (right click on the icon you use to launch CM with, select Properties from the pop-up menu, select the Compatibility tab, check the box for 'Run this program in compatibility mode for' and select Windows 2000 from the drop down dialog).

While it isn't the program itself that needs the 'compatibility' setting, it may be the various copy protection schemes used that may have problems with XP.

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Probably not what you want to hear, but I'm running the CDV version on XP with no problems at all.

I have most of the XP Hot Fixes applied, maybe that makes a difference?

My CMBO works on my Ricoh DVD/CD-RW drive and on my very ancient Toshiba 5602B CD-ROM.

Hope you get it working - good luck.


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Just like Len's post, this probably won't help much, but I've been reading that newer CD drives are having problems in general with SafeDisc. One of the hardware sites (a big one like Anandtech or somebody like that) did a fairly comprehensive review and the consensus is that the newer drives are much less tolerant of these screwed-up formats (which is all SafeDisc does -- it's a junk CD format -- technically it isn't even officially a CD since CD's must adhere to the Philips Redbook standard, and this track-trashing protection violates that standard).

See? Told ya it wouldn't help.

If you have an OLDER CD drive around, maybe in another machine, install it (CD drives are easy to install) real quick and give it a test run.

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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

I haven't heard of any particular problems with the CDV release of CMBO and Windows XP, so I wonder if you're running into something unique here.

I have this version and use Windows XP Pro. No problems at all. AMD and Geforce 2 MX. I had some problems when I switched to another program and switched back, from that point on I coulnd't call up the scenario briefing in-game. Also if I finished a game and started another after doing this the menus went 'fuzzy' and I could hardly read them. The latest detonater drivers from nvidia.com fixed this.

[ July 01, 2002, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: vbfg ]

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Probably not your problem, but a friend of mine had to turn off Quincux anti-aliasing before he could see anything other than a black screen in XP. Might be your problem if you have the Quincux option. I've read you have to select 4x or no FSAA for it to work.


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Odd. I recently updated to XP and expected problems with CM initially, but had none. Only thing I can comment on is regarding the CD drive thing....I installed a new CD-RW drive just after installing XP (Lite-On LTR-32123S, which is awesome, by the way, and inexpesive, if anyone's looking) and that has worked flawlessly as well.

You're probably looking for some arcane graphics-related BIOS setting or something that you will only discover by trial and error. I'm pulling for you....I know your frustration well, especially if CM isn't working!

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My problem with XP is as follows:

Everything seems to fork fine but but the letters in the menus lack color, some menu screens are completely darkened out, and you can see the menu picture of CM through the letters. I assumed this was a driver problem and tried downloading the latest Direct X, but they dont seem to have it for XP. What do I do now?

Thanks in advance.

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I assume you have a video card based on an NVidia chipset...

The video drivers that come with XP for the NVidia video chips are based on Detonator 12.40. These drivers have the problems that you mentioned with CMBO. NVidia didn't address this problem until the 26.xx/27.xx series of Detonators. Therefore if you upgrade to the latest drivers ( 29.42 - official) you shouldn't have any more text problems. However some GeForce 4 owners claim that some of the FSAA modes are problematic now (not that they have an option to go back to an earlier driver version though).

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just backing up Schrullenhaft's post.

I have just installed XP pro ... and had problems

with CM text & graphics. Installed the Nvidia 29.42_winxp drivers and all cleared. The problems were caused by XP using its default drivers for my Gforce2 MX

My Xp installation is a "basic, straight from the disk" install ... No updated from the MS site.

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Tracer, posting links to any unauthorized patches or cracks to any of our products is not permitted and you could be banned for it in the future.


[ August 01, 2002, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Just a follow-up to the above. I am sure tracer meant no harm in his post but the simple truth is that NO-CD cracks are very often NOT used in the manner that they were intended and instead are used by people to pirate games.

As a game company and game designers we do not wish to support such behavior and programs and websites that do promote it and will remove links to them and warn the posters whenever we see them. Disregard of our wishes on this issue can result in the expulsion of the posting member.

If you have a problem with the game, then use the resources WE have made available to you and we will get the problem resolved.


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