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Update on Desobry

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For those who have problems with the Team Desobry operation, I have made some changes and just played through the first battle, rather haphazardly (I lost 4 Shermans) and it still rolled over to battle #2.

The Raider Test group is playing it this week once more and if it passes their stringent comments, I'll repost it on the CMHQ Scenario Depot for those who would like a second chance to get past battle #1.

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Looking forward to it. I have just switched to playing operations. Would not mind being on your test team too!!

Thanks again for the good work!


"Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after they occur."

General Guilio Douhet


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Some six top-notch testers are working their way through Team Desobry. None of them had a problem with a premature ending. The start lines for subsequent battles are much better.

This should soon become a most playable and enjoyable operation. So hang on a bit longer and we'll have it up on Madmatt's CMHQ website (not the depot) for a quicker download. Matt will be announcing it when it is posted. Looking very good right now!

Give it another try when it comes out. I think you'll be pleased.



Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I just played your scenario and the operartion ended after the 1st turn. I played as the US and destroyed 12 German vehicles to 9 US vehecles destroyed and with 59 Ger vs 49 US casualties. the outcome was a total victory for the Axis even though I still held Norville solidly. Is this what other players are experiencing?

all in all though its a real kicker of a battle and good fun.


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Exactly, Lucero. That will soon be only a memory with the new version. It is playing 100% better, believe me. This one is now the fun and challenge the first one should have been.

Reports from testers are very positive.

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I'll be passing it on to Madmatt for posting on his Combat Mission HQ site.

It won't be in the depot, but actually in his listing of scenarios and operations so you should be able to download it quicker than if you went to the depot.

Hopefully we'll have it up for you tomorrow.

Thanks for asking...


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I have recently restarted this operation. Now that I am aware that you have to prevent any german infantry from crossing that dirt track road on the right flank, I have gone through, and am now on the 4th battle.

I am of the opinion, that a rewrite of the american players brief was all that was needed. So far it has been an enjoyable scrap and my losses have been light. biggrin.gif

24 casulties (6KIA) 5 tanks KO'd




<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As always feel free to query, deride, or just nod knowingly<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Now he tells me! rolleyes.gif

Just kidding, Berkut. Actually, though, the tests have shown that it does seem to play considerably better with some of the revisions I've done to it.

A lot of times, folks can't win a scenario or an operation and think the problem is in the scenario. Sometimes it is.

But sometimes it is just a hard scenario and frustration takes over.

Trying to design a scenario that is challenging to all levels of players is no easy thing. What is too hard for one it too easy for another.

And therein lies the rub. So you try to strike a happy medium. And then, of course, in a came like CM, with such a unique AI, the computer conrolled units don't always do the same thing...another challenge.

I think by and large the gaming public pretty much plays the AI. There are prolific PBEM and online players too, but they appear to be in the minority.

Life is geared that way today. We play when we can, however we can, because demands of job, family and personal life are so imposing.

Well, how did I get here? eek.gif Back to the subject. I liked the first one myself. I like the second one even better.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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A little update.

Now on the sixth battle. a few more casulties, but nowhere near has heavy as those actually suffered by the real Team Desobry.

They came in the same old way and I saw them off in the same old way biggrin.gif

I have always enjoyed your scenarios from sp1 to CM, keep them coming!




<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As always feel free to query, deride, or just nod knowingly<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Wild Bill,

Can you get BTS to put your revised scenarios in the patches? Elsdorf and Team Desobry are in the original game, and since they've been updated since the release, it makes sense to me to include them in the patches. They are small files after all.

What do you think?



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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Rude Lover...you gotta love these names!

Well, Rude, since I didn't design that one, I ain't gonna mess with it. You don't stir folks food in their own kitchen biggrin.gif

Dick Reece did make some changes to it (He is the author) and posted it on one of the CM support sites but I am not sure which.

He may find this and add a note as to where it is...Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I know that a slightly modified Ham and Jam can be found at the Rugged Defense site. It's really a pretty minor change--switching time of battle to 'night,' which users could do themselves. I think the scenario's great, BTW, if Dick is listening, and didn't mean to imply otherwise...it's just another that's rec'd a minor tweak since the initial release that might be included on new-edition CDs, etc.

Michael Loverude

[This message has been edited by RudeLover (edited 09-22-2000).]

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Wow, what a timely thread. I just finished playing my first operation ever, and it happened to be DeSobry. I set up a perimeter defense and kept my shermans rather well hidden amongst the buildings. I sent my stuarts out a little to see what was out there, and lo and behold, one of the little buggers knocked out a tiger (yes, a tiger!) with a miraculous shot! Only seconds later, a mark IV went up in flames, but I couldn't figure out why until I replayed it several times. On only the second salvo, an 81mm mortar got a top hit! Luck was definitely on my side and after the final turn I had destroyed every vehicle that I had a line of sight to (20 in all). I lost a couple stuarts and six shermans, but not a single german got close to town. "Well", I smugly thought to myself, "I'll be in great shape for the next battle." TOTAL AXIS VICTORY. I about **** my pants. So of course I check out the forum and after reading this thread (I haven't done a search yet - so sue me) I assume I'm not the only one to encounter this situation. I'm glad it's being addressed and am looking forward to the revision. This game has ruined what little life I had. It really should come with a warning label. Something like "WARNING - The surgeon general has determined that installing this game on your computer will result in neglect of essential activities such as eating, sleeping, etc."

Wild Bill, you and the boys at BTS rule! My only wish is for a better after action report so I can see who the heroes are and maybe the awarding of medals. Keep up the great work!

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Thanks so much Nathman, a real encouraging word. Yes the new version can be had at Madmatt's CMHQ. You don't have to go to the depot, just directly to Matt's site.


Please let me know if you like this one better. That first fight sounded pretty good to me! biggrin.gif

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Outstanding! Thanks a bunch, Wild Bill. I tried the revised Desobry and and have fought the first two battles without a hitch. I'm kinda dreading the third, because I just know that they'll be coming at me with both barrels, but I still have 6 shermans and all four of my M10's, so I'll be able to put up a good fight. I never imagined a wargame could be so engrossing.

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