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Saarburg: Anyone won as the allies? - SPOILER -

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Quoting straight from an earlier post that was not answered:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Does anyone have suggestions on how to win this mission as the Allies? It seems to me that I would be hard pressed to get my weary troops off the map edge by the time limit even without any enemy troops taking potshots. And the reinforcements seem pretty useless except for the two tanks, since the foot troops can't get to the battle area and then get back off the map by the end of the scenario either.


Sorry I did not keep the poster's name.

I have played the scenario three times as the allies and did not get any better result than Axis major victory. mad.gif

Has anybody won as allies? Does any soul out there have any pointers?

I am sure the beta brigade must have come close to winning. But how?

Thanks lads



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  • 6 months later...

I played this scenario last weekend as the Americans and managed a draw. I think it would have come out somewhat more in my favor if I would have been more careful with my Shermans. I knocked out all but one of the German armored vehicles. It turns out their last tank was a Mark IV that was cruising around most of the game as a Mark III and ended up toasting both of my Sherms in 2 turns. Fog of war...live and learn. I should have known something was not right when my Sherm was knocked out on a front lower hull shot from the "Mark III"s 20mm gun. Once my armor was done I had little hope of moving what was left of two platoons on my right toward the north edge of the map. Time is definitely a factor, 20 turns is pretty tight when trying to move from the initial VP to the one at the north end. All in all a fun scenario play.

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Ok, this is one that has puzzled me for some time.

I think I got a draw once, and it was by using smoke as the allies. Smoked up the map with my FO, and got close so my 'zooks could engage the pillboxes and tanks.

It is a tough one. I have given up in disgust more than once.

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I tried it and got a minor victory for the US

I moved my units straight towards the VL.

But I ordered two split squads forward moving away from the main body.The AI will direct a his units to them,creating a hole in the defense.

Meanwhile the spotter layed a smokescreen between the main units and the VL

Try it for yourself.

Or maybe I just had luck ;)

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I'm going from memory of the one time I played this battle, a couple months ago. I won it, and didn't recall thinking it was that difficult. Based on what everyone else is saying, it sounds as if I was extremely lucky. smile.gif

My basic plan was to get to the large victory flag ASAP. I placed two platoons in the far NW of my setup area and the third along the north edge, with my heavy weapons platoon behind them as 'rear guard'. I left one MG on the small victory flag (I believe it was a .50 cal). My left two platoons moved onto the N-S road as quickly as possible, and this greatly helped mobility. First contact was on my left, where some German infantry (and a SP Gun, I think) moved in from the southwest. My left two platoons slowed them down, and a fire mission of 105mm stopped them. In the meantime my single platoon on the right, and the heavy weapons following them, ran into German armor and infantry along the E-W road due north of the setup area. I basically wrote off most of those men and had them engage to keep the enemy busy while the rest slipped past. At this point US reinforcements showed up, and leaving only a MG on the large victory flag, the rest raced down the road south to the intersection, linking up with my left two platoons. My tanks got off some good flanking shots and knocked out several German vehicles (which were facing south and engaging my 3rd platoon) before one was gun hit and the second immobilized. Meanwhile the 105mm FO (with LOS eastward along the E-W road) had been calling in a fire mission on the Germans, and when that arrived their attack on my third platoon stalled, allowing my survivors to fall back to the south. The game ended shortly thereafter, with me holding both flags and having taken about 1/3 casualties.

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