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Another solution to the demo problem.

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Why not release a "Quick Battle" demo?

BTS could put out a demo that would show-off the new QB generator. All they would need to do is limit the number of options, units, map types etc... available in the game.

I have found that most people play CM with QB's instead of scenarios. In fact I dont think I have played all of the CM scenarios because I find the Quick Battles so much more entertaining.

IMO this demo would do a great job of appealing to the casual gamer. It would give them a better idea of why we find CM so addictive.

If I were BTS, I would release this type of demo even if it meant that the demo would not be released until AFTER the game starts to ship. A lot of potential new players will be coming over here once the game comes out and this type of demo would really hook them IMO.

What do you guys think?

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An even better idea, a Quickbattle demo with all the vehicles and a working scenario editor! ...and the ability to play proper scenarios.

Wait- wait. How about if you download the demo Battlefront will send you a crisp $5 bill! now that's an idea i could get into!

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Actually this wouldnt work George for a few reasons. Firstly you would only have maybe 2 vehicles and 1 infantry type to pick from as we need to keep the demo size to a minimum. Also, the map generator would have to be recoded as we dont include all terrain bmp's with the demo.


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