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For one thing, AIUI you can only mod skins, not the wire frames underneath. So there is only so much you can do to alter the appearance of a vehicle, etc.

Secondly, I for one would not regard it as a good idea to substitute Soviet vehicles for British in an attempt to reproduce North African fighting for the reason that the vehicles are quite dissimilar in their physical characteristics. Also, you wouldn't be able to reproduce the environmental conditions satisfactorily, I should think. But it's your nickel. Blow your mind.

On the other hand, if you can wait another two or three years, BTS will present you with the whole enchilada complete with chips and salsa!


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Well, no problem still. No '41 scenes, then. I guess we will have to see the extent of lend lease Lees(Brit Grants) and Stuarts(Brit Honeys) that are available in CMBB. Depending on the scene, some of the steppes in summer can get quite hot and dry. I won't know the extent of what can be modeled until I actually get my hands on it, though. smile.gif

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I'm with Vondeath here -- I'm about to be a CM:BO noob, having a new machine and deciding to check the demo out to see if I needed to order it along with TacOps 4.0, now I'm awaiting the bundle and expect I'll play as much or more CM:BO as :BB, especially since local gaming buddy has marginal machine for playing :BB.

Heck, I was disappointed to see that the newbie tourney launched this spring, I'd sign up for one this fall, fall being the traditional time for darkness and depression, which I'm sure I'll be fed when I start playing with this well honed crew...

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