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Two new scenarios!

Guest SS_Obergruppenführer

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Guest SS_Obergruppenführer

Well, since they were made by me, that doesn't necessarily mean quality, but...

Anywayz, they're called "Blocks of life" and "For the honor of France". The first one is fictional, the other one semi-historical.

They'll both be up on

www.combat-missions.net. The first one already is, the other one should be up tomorrow. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! :)smile.gif


SLOVENIA- a prospering country for the European Union

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Originally posted by SS_Obergruppenführer:

Well, since they were made by me, that doesn't necessarily mean quality, but...

Anywayz, they're called "Blocks of life" and "For the honor of France". The first one is fictional, the other one semi-historical.

They'll both be up on

www.combat-missions.net. The first one already is, the other one should be up tomorrow. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! :)smile.gif

The link isn't working for me..... frown.gif

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Niles, please learn some lessons about posting etiquette.

While the rest of the internet may be like the Wild West in this respect, on this board there are standards that must be upheld. And where the standards break down, there are moderators with padlocks.

The lesson for today is this: posting attacks, threats, or calls for harm to individuals (or large groups of them) is a definite no-no. If it's a joke, it's not funny. If it's serious, it's sick and wrong.


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