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Rushing Tactics.

Guest Rommel22

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Guest Rommel22

Good or not good?

Well I found out from my stile of play if done right rushing works great.

The way I exute this tactic is split one squad apart and have one more full squad or more squads. I send out half of the split squad out to draw fire the other half fires on the most dangerous target like a machine gun or a squad up forward. Then I use the rest to rush them. Sometimes I suffer casualties but it always works for me and I end up capturing lot of the enemy soldiers.

(After that I execute all the prisoners, For trying to kill my men and for slowing me down. YOU BASTARDS!!!) Of course I do this at the right time and make sure that there are not any other ambushes or suprises left.

That happened to me a while back. When I was new to the game I rushed a squad I saw as a good target, but there was a tank near by I din't see and a machine gun. That really mested up my men. I also employ this tactic toward the end of a scenerio, with fresh troops. I always keep up to a platton of men as reserves. Works great and reserves always come in handy in grave situations.

Thats about it. Does anyone use similiar tactics or use these exactly??? By the way this game Rocks!!!


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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I use the same type of tactic. Usually, instead of having a squad draw fire, I have a squad or two of infantry and a MG squad put down area fire near the enemy to suppress him, then rush a squad or two of infantry at him(avoiding the fire from my own men). It almost always results in either getting the suppresed enemy killed, or capturing most or all of them(record so far is 11 of 12 men captured).

Also killed prisoners, but out of gamey necessity. HMG squads with 1 man left won't move as prisoners oddly enough. I have to bring in a company HQ, or some other light rear unit like a crew to dispose of the buggers.

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A reminder: captured enemy units are worth more points than dead ones. Besides, it's not ethical. Maybe it's just me, but I let that single sorry son-of-a-bitch machinegunner walk if I can't guard him. and another thing: Most of the time you can leave 'em alone for a couple of turns, without 'em running away.

so There.

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Guest Michael emrys

So far, whenever I've given prisoners orders to march off to the rear without guards, they've obeyed without trying to escape. And on at least one occasion it was the last man of an MG crew.


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I use the rushing tactic quite often. I am practicing with British inf battalions and have always had a knack against tanks. What I do is use a Vickers to button them or use 2 inch motars and the pop smoke around the tank and run my infantry onto them like I would to embark them. Of course this is from the rear after a lot sneaking. Usually the infantry will pepper the hull with grnades and such and the crew abandons the tank. Of course as with all dangerous tactics this DOES NOT always work and people will get killed. Anyways that is my 2 cents.


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Guest Rommel22

Ethical or not who cares, those bastards try to kill my men. More point, who cares, kill is a kill. I don't need prisoners eating my troops food. It's always fun to line the captured and spray them with some machine gun fire.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22:

Ethical or not who cares, those bastards try to kill my men. More point, who cares, kill is a kill. I don't need prisoners eating my troops food. It's always fun to line the captured and spray them with some machine gun fire.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Have you thought about joining the Serbian army? wink.gif...Anyway I hope you're playing the Alies, because as you know, some Axis soldiers were hanged after the war for doing just that. eek.gif


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22:

It's always fun to line the captured and spray them with some machine gun fire.


Hmm, for some reason, don't ask me to explain, that takes you right off the list of potential PBEM opponents for me. Probably to do with realism, nothing personal.



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Guest Rommel22


First of all this is a game so I can take out my frustrations on whatever I want. Befor this game I use to hit my desk and keyboard for loosing or loosing men. This way I take it out on the the people that tried to kill my men. and I am playing for the Germans, I never once in this game played for the Allies, yet. The reason I play for the Germs is, it's more interesting, changing history in battles that actually took place, like Carentan. That why I try to play as the Germs.

God you people really get offended over little things, and it's just a game.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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Guest Steve Makarow

CM is a great game because it strives so hard for realism and is successful.

Killing prisoners as a policy is not realistic. It is in fact...


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You should treat your prisoners the same way you want your troops to be treated if they were taken captive. I'm not going to call you cruel or evil, but imagine your guys getting lined up and mowed down by a firing squad.

I know it's just a game. However, it is a game that portrays combat more accurately than any other strategy or war game ever made. Some people may find your actions disturbing....but just remember that if we are in a PBEM and I see you mowing down my men that were taken captive. I will do the same to my prisoners.


"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it."

--A. Lincoln

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"Rommel" sez: <tt>Befor this game I use to hit my desk and keyboard for loosing or loosing men. </tt>

With your head? That explains the spelling and grammar.

Have fun executing helpless prisoners, Big Guy<SUP>TM</SUP>.


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Guest Rommel22

No, not with my head. With my fists.

The reason for the spelling is I type fastr and never check my spelling. If it's not a essay for school or something I don't care for spelling. I am glad it tics you off.

Kidding, sorry for the mistakes, but it will keep happening so deal with it.

I nstopped killing prisoners, like some say, it's just a waste of time. And I checked and yo do get more points for keeping them


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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Rommel Rommel Rommel Rommel......

Why do you shoot your prisoners?

I find it much more practical to march them ahead of my infantry to detect minefields for me. If I hear BOOM!!!! One of my Panzergrenadier's lives has been saved at the expense of a cowardly POW. Most of the time though I send them all into one building and have them face the wall with a man guarding them, so it looks cool. In one scenario I had over a platoon of British POW's in a church with my MG42 watching over them. It just looks kind of neat.

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Guest Rommel22

Thanx for the advise. I'll do that from now on. Sounds good.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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I remember the story of a Marine from Vietnam and what he said about prisoners. The reality of the matter was no one wanted to walk prisoners back alone through the rear area so they usually just shot them. He wasn't too clear about whether he participated in this but you got the idea anyway. "War is hell" and that is one more reason why.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Brizee:

Rommel Rommel Rommel Rommel......

Why do you shoot your prisoners?

I find it much more practical to march them ahead of my infantry to detect minefields for me. If I hear BOOM!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lt Brizee: " You stinking Kraut! Will you tell me where the minefields are? Will ya?!"

POW: " Eh? Nix verstehn?"

Lt Brizee: " Piss off, before I changed my mind!"


Lt Brizee:" Ok Sarge. Order the engineers forward!"

Yopu guys are very inventive; I just never thought about that.

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Ever tried rushing at night?

I just finished a scenario, and almost every time my troops kept advancing even if the opposition was too strong for them.

I took those positions, but the cost was way too high. (I'd say I lost 60 - 80% of the infrantry that did the rushing). Suppressing didn't work, esp. when the German troops were faced with US troops at point blank range.

It didn't help that at night, the troops go beserk and RUN toward the enemy while they are getting mowed down. Truly bizzarre.

Once I rushed a house, and oops there was an AA flak halftrack sitting at an angle behind the house. Ouch!

Funny how troops have more courage at night than during the day!

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I am not a major tactician by any means, but when I conduct rushes in CM I make certain that a) it is a position that warrants the risk. B) that there are no extra or unknown sources of enemy fire, ie. I control the situation and c) I pummel the position first with some type of mortar/HMG/cannon fire first to shock and demoralize the defenders. If I can, I lay a screen of smoke right in front of the defenders position, so my guys come running out of the smoke guns blazing! At the very least, running up a squad that goes into hiding chucking grenades is almost as good, then within 30 seconds the rest of the platoon rushes in firing. Flanking the enemy in this situation also tends to make the defenders break and run quickly. As for prisoners, I like the idea of having to march them to a spot on the board that you pretend is guarded for that purpose. A half squad to cover them should be sufficient (or possibly necessary).

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Guest Mike the bike

Err....how do you make sure there aer no unknown enemy about when you decide to rush?? smile.gif

As for killing prisoners.......I do not think there is a conutry that has not had its troops killing prisoners at some stage or other.

New Zealand is a small place, without much of an army, yet we know of several cases in WW2 where prisoners, even wounded, were killed by assaulting NZ troops.

Sure there were "extenuating circumstances", but that doesn't make it any better for the German and Italian men thrown off cliffs or into the back of burning trucks!

It's ugly - but what do you expect war to be?

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How do you make sure there are no enemy troops about?

Well, as Patton said "Drive that jeep up that road, and when you get blown up, report back to me"

It's a tough job, but send something weak up ahead of your platoon. When they get shot, you know contact is imminent. Send a half squad or out of ammo troops or an out of ammo bazooka or whatever, you get the idea. I did a PBEM against a guy who found all my positions by buying a bunch of jeeps and sent them flying at me so all my guys started shooting at them. That's how you find the enemy....

I just did this really funny thing with POW's

I was playing a Quick Battle, Germans Attack, (I was being Germans) and I had about 12 Americans as prisoners. Well I sent them all in unison at the same randomly chosen clear spot on the map. Turns out it was a minefield!!! I just looked one turn and see all these dead bodies laying there. I was thinking "Now THAT is bad luck"

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Why are so many of the alleged "grognards" like Gerbiltoy ( wink.gif )say killing off prisoners is "unrealistic"?

It was done all the time, as many have pointed out already. In a desperate battle, when you need every man you have to fight the enemy and there aren't any minefileds around, I would shoot my POW's.

I say "I would" because I don't have the game yet. Obviously, if I was low on ammo, had extra manpower, and there were no minefileds in sight, I would let the prisoners live. Otherwise, it's the old "pistol to the head" for 'em.


...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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