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I can have my little irritations, thank you all very much. I enlighten the forum as to a bit of culture and people complain. I don't know. Tsk.

Anyway, what does "wagner-fied" mean? It's not going to mean much to alot of people, most people don't even know that "Ride of the Valkaries" was by Wagner. Grrr.

What's Poutine?



P.S. Incidently, "Night on the Bare Mountain" also featured in a Disney film. Two points for the person who can name which one.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Fantasia - the Dinosaurs.

Basically right, Panzer Leader, but it was the night of the dead section of the movie (climaxing with a demon rising from the mountain only to be chased back "down" by the rising sun) where the piece was used.

For extra credit, what musical piece was used for the dinosaurs? :D

- Old Dog

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

I can have my little irritations, thank you all very much. I enlighten the forum as to a bit of culture and people complain. I don't know. Tsk.

Anyway, what does "wagner-fied" mean? It's not going to mean much to alot of people, most people don't even know that "Ride of the Valkaries" was by Wagner. Grrr.

Oh, I won't fault your being irritated. After all, if an article makes a rather obvious error, even on a minor point, then it's exactly what you call it -- poor journalism. The minor subject matter would have been better left unsaid.

The essence of the feedback here, of course, is making sure to keep it in perspective. And I will say this on the note of overall journalistic standards: when it concerns reporting on US defense matters, military affairs, or even military history, if I had a nickel for every journalistic oversight I've seen come to pass on those subjects, I would probably be a millionaire.

This isn't absolute, of course, and many journalists do seek a higher standard in reporting on military matters. But for the legions of reporters who don't, I've yet to see much in consequences applied against those.

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Gawd, I gotta stop after this; mainly because it's not relevant to the game, but also because I left this part of my life behind.

Let's not flame those poor unfortunates who've been burdened with trying to cover a military beat, please.

I can name more than a few Stars and Stripes reporters, writers for a so-called "First Amendment publication," who were recruited on the notion that they were going to bring the news to US residents oversease, but then found themselves forced to bludgeon the most mundane bits of information (and here I mean anything grander than the base school spelling bee) out of base commanders and Public Affairs officers, or local criminal investigators. And the penalty for screwing up an article was, still can be, pretty darn severe. The typical reporter faces dismissal if he screws up (there are countless applicants waiting to replace you). And there aren't any legions of untouchable journalists, just like the whole idea of the "liberal media elite" excludes 90% of the college students who look to make a difference, earn wages comparable to the average department store cashier, and then burn out before they're 30.

Sorry to be a butt, everyone. But for an ex journalist (and one who did his best to be a good one) it chaffs to see other folks get criticized. The rant is over. I will post on this no more.

p.s. -- yes, he probably could have left the whole Wagner thing out of the piece.

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

What's Poutine?

French fries (they'd be called "chips" in England), covered with cheese curd and gravy. an exquisite treat!

I can feel the cholesterol clogging my arteries just thinking about them! smile.gif

I live in Buffalo, on the Canadian border - time to make a run sometime soon and get me some!

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French fries (they'd be called "chips" in England)
Not so sure about that m'boy. French fries, to an Englishman, are what you get in McDonalds. Chips come with fish and are covered with salt, vinegar and tomato sauce (though HP will do, if you like that sort of thing)

Gravy is acceptable, but only with something else that comes with gravy.

Anyone putting mayonaise on proper chips should be shot. IMHO anyway ;)

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