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One last gasp for the shockwaves?

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I know it's been said that the shockwave bubbles used in CMBO will not be put back in to CMBB, and there was even, I think, a post that said that the code to do the shockwaves has been removed from CMBB. However, with the 1.01 patch, the mortars use what appears to be the exact same shockwave bubble that was in CMBO!

Is there any chance at all that this might be added as an option for all guns for the next patch? I've actually gotten used to the new muzzle blasts and like the way they look, but there seemed to be a lot of other people who would like the shock wave back, and I think it would be really cool if maybe there were three options: new blast, old shockwave, and both simultaneously...

What say you, BTS?


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I don't need shockwaves for the guns, but I still miss the shockwaves from artillery shell impacts. I love the game, and understand the desire for intense realism, but I think BTS is wrong.

This should be an option for the user, not dictated to us. It doesn't affect the internal calculations one bit, so it is not as if we're asking for realistic simulation to be compromised.

I just felt that the older shockwaves truly conveyed the power of large artillery shells in a way the current explosions don't. In the real world, you can feel a pressure wave and other sensory feedback from large explosions that give you a sense of the true magnitude of the threat. Even 155s in CMBB seem, well, weak.

Before everyone jumps down my throat - I love the game otherwise. Just asking for a toggle option, thats all. ;)


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Guest Sgt. Emren

Originally, I was one to lament the death of the shockwave. However, I would rather that BTS spent their efforts in making more smoke and dust in general on the battlefield than putting back the shockwave. In dry weather, a HE shell kicks up quite a lot of dust which lingers in the air. I would like this to be modelled in stead. At the moment, we get a lingering dustcloud when buildings collapse, which is great. It has a billowing effect to it, which I don't like too much, but overall the effects is more real than the shockwave.

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I miss the shockwaves of the impacts as well.

In CMBB it can sometimes be very hard to find out where the enemy arty barage goes...what i wan`t to say is, that the shockwaves make it much easier to find and identifie the impacts...and as far as i know they aren`t that unrealistic...

Oi !

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The only thing I miss about shockwaves is that they made arty easily spottable. In CMBB I've spent ages scouring maps and replays for evidence of arty that was meant to come down in one place and didn't. Anything under 105mm can too often be lost altogether.

I know I could just cancel arty if it doesn't land in the right place, but there are occasions where it lands in a wrong place which is still good enough and cancelling would be a mistake.

For a lot of the smaller arty with big ammo counts, the only way I've been able to find where its coming down has been to retarget the spotter for smoke and then resetting the target, which (pre-patch at least) drops smoke on the same position with no delay. It uses a minutes worth of ammo but you get to see what you're shooting at and you get a potentially distracting (or downright counter productive) smoke barrage to boot.

I realise that wrongly targetted arty was probably difficult to spot in real life too, but then so was the enemy and you didn't have the option to switch bases on in real life.

[ November 30, 2002, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Jake the Peg ]

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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Someone DID make a mod that brought the shockwaves back, dunno how good it actually looked, but try a Search.

Actually, it looked awful. Really brought down the quality of the original explosion, which is, although not visible enough, very good.

Originally posted by Jake the Peg:

In CMBB I've spent ages scouring maps and replays for evidence of arty that was meant to come down in one place and didn't. Anything under 105mm can too often be lost altogether.

Try my explosion mod from Tom's CMHQ or CM mod database. It hasn't got a dome, it isn't perfect, but very nice and easily spottable. smile.gif
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