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Invisible shooter

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What eventually turned out to be a small flak gun kept bouncing shots off of three of my Shermans last evening, but I couldn't see it. I even went so far as to have one of my tanks unbutton to get a better look-see, but still the shots came out of nowhere.

Finally, I was able to see the pesky varmint, but none of my tanks targetted him and when I tried to force two of them to target him, it appeared as "Area Fire". How can this be? If he can see me, shouldn't I be able to see him. It's not even as if he was hidden. He was in the middle of a field, fr' cryin' out loud! Do you have any idea how frustrating it can be to have this Bozo "sp-tanging" shell after shell off my turrets and have two of my tankers saying, "Nope...nuffin out here."

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

What eventually turned out to be a small flak gun kept bouncing shots off of three of my Shermans last evening, but I couldn't see it. I even went so far as to have one of my tanks unbutton to get a better look-see, but still the shots came out of nowhere.

Finally, I was able to see the pesky varmint, but none of my tanks targetted him and when I tried to force two of them to target him, it appeared as "Area Fire". How can this be? If he can see me, shouldn't I be able to see him. It's not even as if he was hidden. He was in the middle of a field, fr' cryin' out loud! Do you have any idea how frustrating it can be to have this Bozo "sp-tanging" shell after shell off my turrets and have two of my tankers saying, "Nope...nuffin out here."

I'd say that you were a victim of a flak gun under the command of a platoon leader with '?' (stealthy) bonus. I've used that ability on several occasions for nasty guns. On one occasion, I had one (37mm) take out five armored vehicles (Staurts and armored cars) before it was finally supressed.
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Boo - you most likely were fooled by a "sound contact". These are placed randomly within the general area where the sound originates from (and where the unit is actually placed). Boy, are you going to love the new "extreme Fog of War" settings ;)

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sounds like 20mm Flak guns - the absolute bane of allied light armour, though they've never given my Stuarts trouble. As Cpl Carrot said, drop some serious fire on the nearest patch of cover to the icon. Remember that this needs to be in LoS of the unit getting hit.

20mm guns don't need the stealth bonus to be nigh on invisible up to about 200 metres.

using these little perishers is one of the AI's favourite little tricks (and now one of mine) when playing as Axis forces.

The best way of getting rid of them is to keep light armour back and use something fairly tough and fast to scout ahead (I favour Stuarts, but Kangaroos, Greyhounds or M20s would probably do as well) The 20mm guns will ping a few shots off these, and you'll find that a few 'infantry sound contacts' pop up. Replay the turn with the view close to the contacts and you should be able to hear which one is the 20mm, as it has a very distinctive firing sound.

Target the nearest cover for a turn or so, and it should go away, leaving your halftracks and SP guns run of the battlefield, without having to worry about stealth guns

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Originally posted by Moon:

Boo - you most likely were fooled by a "sound contact". These are placed randomly within the general area where the sound originates from (and where the unit is actually placed). Boy, are you going to love the new "extreme Fog of War" settings ;)


Any chance at all that you can elaborate on this "extreme Fog of War"? To me the current level of FoW is fantastic and the main reason I love the game - in what ways is it being 'improved'? I understand if you can't reveal anything more.


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