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A Humble Petition to All Designers

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Please, please set the default FOW on all your scenarios to full. Herewith a cautionary tale:

I finally got an hour or two to myself today, so I decided to play the Sunken Lane

scenario against the AI. I had scrupulously avoided reading the AARs on

CMHQ, so I was playing blind. I spent a good half hour on setting it up,

then, as I'm planning out my first turn move, I notice that I can spot a

couple of German units. Then I see that I can spot them all. It seems FOW

had been turned _off_ as the default setting for the scenario. AAARGH! Now

the scenario is ruined for me. I may try it with FOW on/Computer free to place,

but the surprise is gone. On second thought, I probably won't play it

any time soon.

I realize that if I had been extra-observant I might have spotted that FOW was turned off, but then it never occured to me that a non-training scenario would be set to anything other than full FOW.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bil Hardenberger:

As the designer of the Sunken Lane scenario, I can assure you FOW was NOT set to off as the scenario default... in fact I JUST checked it, and it is indeed set to FULL FOW.



I'll take your word for it. Still, I pulled it up on my machine again, and again the FOW setting was 'none'. I then set the FOW to 'full' and went to the setup screen and aborted. Then I pulled the scenario up again, and once more FOW was at 'none'. I then loaded a couple of scenarios at random: "Bruyeres" defaulted to 'none', while "Drop to Destiny" defaulted to 'full'.

Does anybody else get similar results? Bil, did you load Sunken Lane via the game or the editor? If you loaded it via the editor, try loading the CD copy via the game and see what happens.

This is something of a mystery, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like it cleared up.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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I loaded it via the game, it is the exact same version you have... as far as I know there is not even an option to set the FOW in the editor. Perhaps you should check your settings evertime you start a scenario, sounds like something that is inherent to your machine.


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Bill: I dont think there is an option to set it either. Sunken lane is the only one I have encountered that does this. This leads me to belive its somekind of buglet in the code. Minor irritant anyhow.



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Hakko Ichiu:

This kind of thing happens to me a lot as well, ruined one scenario for me already, so now I check each new setting on each map I play... I also think it is just a little buglet that somehow crept in when designing this game...

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I too have noticed this. I wasn't sure about it though. I thought maybe for some scenario's it's "recommended" to play on either full or none. (Now that I think about though, it doesn't make much sense, unless it was to be used as a training mission) But, I have variance on all of my sceneraios.

Some come up as full, some as none.


Any answer from BTS??

Now I'm curious about it. Luckily, I've always checked it before playing as I play on full FOW. So I haven't experienced the problem the starter of this post did.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a Hero is some type of sandwich!

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