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Is anything hardcoded this time around?

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Yes, a number of things are graphically still hardcoded. It is likely to remain this way. It's not that we didn't think of changing this stuff, or that there weren't internal requests for it, but that it is time consuming to do and there were (are) just too many other things that Charles' time is better spent on. With the engine rewrite it is likely *nothing* will be hardcoded into the game.


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Guest Panzer Boxb
Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Yes, a number of things are graphically still hardcoded. It is likely to remain this way. It's not that we didn't think of changing this stuff, or that there weren't internal requests for it, but that it is time consuming to do and there were (are) just too many other things that Charles' time is better spent on. With the engine rewrite it is likely *nothing* will be hardcoded into the game.


Harumph! I bet you guys even let him sleep! *snort*

;) <- See, I am joking. Honest!

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