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Arty Question

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This might have already been asked before but let me throw out the question:

Let's say you want to order an arty barrage on the enemy but the spotter is presently out of LOS. Can you give the order to spot the target when out of LOS, move to the area while the timer is running, and end up with LOS on the target when the arty is to fall--giving yourself the advantage of accuracy now that you're in LOS of said target?

Or do you need to be in LOS when ordering the barrage in the beginning to get the advantage?

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You can target when the FO is out of LOS of the target area. When your FO moves within LOS, then the timer will tick down normally and the rounds will fall in "tight" eliptic pattern, not the spread pattern.

I do this all the time because it saves time. It may take 1-2 minutes to move the FO into LOS, but it will save 30 seconds per minute.

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