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What kind of ammo is this?

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Yeah, it's canister - an anti-personel round. As Jeff said, it's like a huge shotgun blast. The entire "Ammo Code Changes" can be found in Matt's "Changes Since CMBO" at CMHQ. They are: HE - High Explosive / AP - Armor Piercing / HC - Hollow Charge (HEAT) / T - Tungsten / C - Canister (anti-personel) / S - Smoke / F - Flame.....C-ya. smile.gif

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Actually, i think it stands for 'Confusion' as it causes your opponent to wonder where that squad he was damn sure was there a second ago went ;)

There's nothing like seeing a single tank round cause 28 infantry casulties..I wish I'd have taken a screen of it...My jaw hit the floor.

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Try moving to within 100m, and they don't seem to fire canister at troops in foxholes or craters (which I suppose makes sense). But a squad that's nearby and on the move becomes a canister target very quickly. Several times I've seen a dug-in infantry team take HE/MG fire without casualties, break, flee a few steps, and lose 3/4 of its men from a "c" shot.

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Granted it's a different period depicted and a different weapon, but for fun, check out the scenes in the movie "Gettysburg" where the Rebels approaching the Yankee line get hit full on with a canister round from a Napoleon gun.

Talk about sweeping 'em down. Awesomely well done filmmaking...

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