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Stupid CMOS Question

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CMMOS is a program that allows you to manage and organize different Mods. All the bitmaps reside in your CMBO/bmp folder but each Mod has it's own set of bitmaps uniquely named. Therefore, you don't ever "lose" any Mods that you have loaded through CMMOS.

If you currently have a lot of Mods installed into your CMBO/bmp folder, then you will need "convert" those to CMMOS style. It's quite likely that the Mods you currently have are already available in CMMOS form.

CMMOS allows you to pick the Mod you want for a given vehicle, or uniform, etc. The program copies the appropriate bmps based on the Mod you select. This can be done whenever you want. Sometimes I start a battle, decide I don't like the allied helmets, exit out of CMBO, load CMMOS, pick a different helmet Mod, restart the battle, and I'm playing with the new helmet Mod. You can always go back to the original BTS bitmaps as well.

If you have a lot of Mods, CMMOS is the only way to go, in my opinion. It's very cool. :cool:

Hope this helps...


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OK, MORE stupid questions.

I have downloaded CMMOS. All of the files have been unpacked and deposited in the following directory

C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector

Is this correct? or Should THIS be in the in CMBO directory.

Next question.

Where should one deposit the .bmp files for new mods? in the GEM software files? or in the bmp directory?

In sum, any knowledge about where all of this stuff should reside would be helpful.

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Here is where all the bmp files for new mods go: c:\program files\cmbo\bmp\

Don't put them anywhere else otherwise CMMOS won't work. Also the mod has to be CMMOS compatible for it to work properly with CMMOS. You'll see this info in the mod's read me file. All of the mods in the CMMOS section of CMHQ are CMMOS compatible. Hope this helps.

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Next set of stupid questions. Where do the other files go, such as the RulesSet files/folders and .exe files. Do they go into the bmp folder?

And can the bmp files INSIDE the RuleSet folders REMAIN in the RuleSet folders, INSIDE of BMP, or do they have to be copied/moved to the BMP folder proper??


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When you download CMMOS just leave everything ( rulesets ) where they are. The packages are self installing so you don't really have to do anything except follow the on screen prompts ( just like most other software programs ). A word of advice: don't mess around with the wav ( sound effect ) files unless you really know what you're doing.

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I am sorry, maybe I am dense.

I am running CMMOS_v3.02.

I am only using mods from


I have loaded all the bmp files from the CMOS mods into my bmp folder. All other files -- Rule sets, etc. are outside of it. The installed files for executables, etc. are where they were originally installed.

I run CMOS. I select the option for blue triangle on the turrent of a Sherman V. I start CMBO, select "Blood on the Merderet" where there are a some Sherman V's. I look for the triangle...no triangle.

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OGF Keller,

I had a look at what is happening inside CMMOS to get that blue triangle. The rule (#001-383) uses "single BMP unconditional copy", and doesn't appear to contain any errors of syntax.

First, check that the following BMP is in your BMP folder - 4552_bt.bmp. This is the specific BMP with a blue triangle that the rule copies unconditionally over as 4552.bmp, which is the Sherman I, III and V turret side.

This BMP is part of the set included in the CMMOS mod Bergman_si_siii_sv.zip. This mod is a monster download at 14 meg (not 1.4 meg - it's mis-labeled at CMHQ), I don't believe the turret options are included in the "lite" version on the mod at CMHQ. Do you have this mod, or did you opt for the "lite" version? If 4552_bt.bmp isn't there, you probably didn't get that mod or didn't get it installed properly.

Also note that if you opt for specific turret markings, you should apply that rule AFTER you apply any more general rule for your Commonwealth Shermans. In other words, add the turret marking last, or the more general rule will overwrite the "blue triangle" turret side BMP with a more general one.

Looks to me like the rule should "run" fine. Check the above and let me know if you are still having a problem.

- Old Dog

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Sorry about this guys, but I'm having problems too. I downloaded the program, mods, and patch. All of the mod bmps are installed in the CMBO bmp directory. When I run the program, most of the icons show that they are disabled (the dreaded circle with red line). I click on those icons hoping they will change but they don't. What am I doing wrong?

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Did you put all the downloaded mods in c:\program files\cmbo\bmp ? I'm not trying to be a wise ass but other people have put them in the wrong places before ( see above ). Also did you get rid of all previous versions of CMMOS? This is a must before you install the latest version. Sorry I can't be of more assistance.

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Sorry but I haven't been keeping up with the CMBO forum lately. Anyone having problems with CMMOS should e-mail me at "gordonemolek@poboxes.com" with a description of the problem and a copy of the file "CMMOSLog.txt" from the CMMOS installation folder. We'll get to the bottom of your problem.


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