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newbie with question

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I'm new to the whole battlefront.com idea. I remember downloading a demo of Combat Mission and really hating it, because I twas a strategy game and I really like strategy games but this one was really slow and the menus were annoying. I decided to check back in and saw a new eastern front software coming up. Can anyone tell me more about it? In other words, will it still be handaled as previous version of CM? What will be the main difference between CM: EASTERN FRONT and RTS from UBI. Thanks for the help guys.

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WOW this is a really active community even on saturday? Thanks for the help.

How is CMBB different then it's previous version, other then better graphics and physics I hope.

Also, does the game engine in CMBB count multiple hits? I played WWIIONLINE and for some reason the guys there modeled the system to count one hit only. Meaning, if you shoot the tracks of the tank 5 times, the game counts it as one shot. So basically you have one shot to damage a tank and have to keep working on different parts of the tanks. I hope i am making sense here. At first I though CMBB was a sim.


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There are some advances in MGs and a few other things but generally the game mechanics are the same. You would have to talk to the beta testers to find out more about that. Generally in CM your trying to kill the tank and get lucky with knocking a track off( an immobile tank is a dead tank). Sometimes when you immobilize a tank your gunner still misses the KO shot and keeps hitting it in the tracks till the enemy tank kills your tank. You should play the demo about 20 times and then you will want the full version. This stuff is difficult to explain...you just need to experience it. There are many little things about this game that make it the best I've ever played.

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I still have a copy of the demo on my drive, and would be happy to PBEM you a game if you want to try. I can't even remember the details of the scenarios in the gold demo very well, though it would probably come back if I took a look.

It's not at all like a real-time game, but the game play is exceptionally good, and the units are well researched and implemented. Speed of reaction doesn't matter at all-- tactical planning ability is the key.

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Slow? WTF? LEt me check this out.....

By god your right. It took me 3 mins to plot my moves. Then all my tanks were killed by hidden ATGs. There must be something wrong here.


BTS please fix or somefink.

Kingtiger I would wait until they get the bugs worked out...say 2 or 3 years. Check back then.

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I realize that this is not real time strategy game that's why I said it was kind of slow. Cause I would plot a move and then I needed to wait until the AI does, then view it and then once again I plot the move. I'll look into the game though. Is there a CMBB demo out?

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This aren't no shootem up bang bang game but if you want an extremely realistic war game then here it is only $50.00 away. Actually it'll cost you far less considering that it'll probably be the only game you'll be playing for the next 2 to 3 years. I kid you not. I bet most of the guys that ever bought this game are still playing it or at least played it for at least 2 years. I know I have had it for I guess two years and still have it in my drive. Now true CMBB will be coming out in September but unless you just can't afford this game and that one or you are more interested in the Eastern front over this Western front I'd suggest you buy this one play it a year or so and then get CMBB. All bugs would be worked out by then I'd think. Not that it'll be buggy but hey you know new games. I will however say one thing about the people that put this game out and that's that they went out of their way to correct any problems the game had when it did first come out and they also from my understanding made several patches just to change some things around that the people of the forum had grips about and I'm not talking about bugs I'm taking about issues that the forum disagreed with or thought was inaccurate realistic wise. This outfit is just a damn very careing group of people behind this outstanding game. So anyway HI and hope to see you around the forum when and if you get the game. Which ever one.

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Originally posted by kingtiger:

I realize that this is not real time strategy game that's why I said it was kind of slow.

Hey buddy,

There's always the click'fest type of """ Strategy games """ á la Command and Conquer. Should you wish for more action, then I suggest you head that ways.

I myself will not touch those ever again. They're pure evil. Not after Combat Mission. And there sure is plenty of action going on in CM, too, especially in an evenly matched one-on-one :D !

"Obey my orders ! "

"Go, go ,go GO ! "

"Ja, feindliche Panzer ! "

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i won't comment on cmbo as you have heard from several others on that. i'll just say that if you're used to real time games, this one does take some getting used to. however, i have to disagree on what you said about ww2ol. i played that game for several months and what i remember is that each shot was modeled seperately. ie there was no damage meter, you actually had to hit armor you could penetrate, and once penetrated, it had to hit something vital. thus you might hit the track one hit and do nothing, but the next hit might immobolize him. or if you penetrated the hull, you might kill the driver position, etc. anyway, enough said about ww2ol. this is the cm forum. keep playing it for awhile. you might just enjoy it....

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Originally posted by kingtiger:


I'm new to the whole battlefront.com idea. I remember downloading a demo of Combat Mission and really hating it, because I twas a strategy game and I really like strategy games but this one was really slow and the menus were annoying. I decided to check back in and saw a new eastern front software coming up. Can anyone tell me more about it? In other words, will it still be handaled as previous version of CM? What will be the main difference between CM: EASTERN FRONT and RTS from UBI. Thanks for the help guys.

[ August 11, 2002, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Damon Knight ]

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I have never found a dull moment in the game. Slow is when the first few minutes pass getting to the victory flags and hoping you don't get your butt shot off in the process. I started using the menus from the demo but found that the keystrokes were more efficient and helped the flow of the game. Only rarely now do I have to revert to the menu and then only to check for an option that the unit may have. I can only hope that the same gaming environ is present in Barbarossa to Berlin.

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You had something you wished to say, Damon? [Written before your second post. Oops!]

BTW, that's an interesting handle. The original bearer of it was kind of a hero to me. He did a lot of good work in this world.


[ August 11, 2002, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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I "found" this handle while playing other games that allowed/required a handle. It is a spin from characters called Damonknights. I just added a space and dropped the plural. And of course, any time I am emailing my war game buddy an After Action Report, I sign off with Gen. Damon Knight. Can you give me a little background on the person who had this handle before?

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awile back before i got CM:BO i downlaoded the demo , and i really dident like it. But the demo dosent do the WHOLE game justice at all. once you get the full version and ad all the awsome mods the game is amazying.

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Originally posted by Damon Knight:

Can you give me a little background on the person who had this handle before?

Be honored to. Damon Knight was an excellent writer of science fiction. But he didn't stop there. He also edited a huge number of anthologies, in the process encouraging new young writers to fearlessly break new ground and discover their own distinctive voices. But he didn't stop there either. Together with his wife Kate Wilhelm, who is also a science fiction writer of some considerable note, he organized and led annual writers' conferences for years. In case you are not familiar with these, they are high intensity writing courses/seminars for aspiring sf writers.

So, Damon Knight's contribution to science fiction has been massive. I think it was last year that he passed away. He will not be replaced.


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