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From-scratch mods now at Tom's!

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For those of you who were wondering when somebody was going to come out with a completely FROM-SCRATCH vehicle mod for CMBB, Check out what's new at Tom's Combat Mission.

A sharp new Lend-Lease M3A1 Scout Car, in both summer and winter color schemes. I've also supplied a full set of German/Russian/U.S.-type tire tread patterns for you to choose from! Come-n-git-em!

Check 'em out at:


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The bmps are all from scratch but its not a new model? We can't do new models can we?

Aren't all mods using new bmps?

I like the look of the screenshot. I still can't DL it though. Never can DL anything from tom's site, always tells me that the server returned extended information.


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The M3 polygon that's in the game was already top-notch. It fit my art like a glove. My hat's off to the polygon guy.

Polygons can't be modded, they're hard-coded deep inside the program. All we can do is change textures. But like in the play Pygmalion, dressin' 'em up pretty sometimes makes all the difference in the world.

[ November 19, 2002, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Originally posted by The Qjr:

The bmps are all from scratch but its not a new model? We can't do new models can we?

Aren't all mods using new bmps?


No, Qjr, most all of the mods released so far for CMBB (and a majority of the mods that were released for CMBO) were done by the modder loading an existing finished BMP into a paint program and retouching it, maybe adding a unit symbol or slogan, or adding some layers of dirt, whitewash, etc.

Not to take anything away from these "re-work" modders - some of the work is outstanding. But to take a blank white paint program page and paint the BMP from scratch is a whole different (and much more time-consuming) task.

There are only a few modders who do this - Mike, Dan Olding of course, Marco Bergman (was he the first to do it besides Dan?), Fernando Carrera Buil come to mind among vehicle modders (apologies to those I left out).

They are also some of the same modders who contracted with BFC to do the vehicles for CMBB - working from scratch with nothing but a wireframe 3-D model and some pictures of the way the finished model needed to look.

- Old Dog

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