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Sue BattleFront ??

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My wife told me I am addicted to this game, I thought about it for a minute and realized she is correct.

Now, I don't recall seeing any warning labels on the CD sleeve about the possible dangers of addiction while using this product. Maybe BF could be sued ??

I wonder, have any relationships or employment problems actually occured because of the addictive nature of this product.

Maybe BF could reduce the level of addiction stuff they put into their games, and market to minors.

But please don't reduce the addictive levels of any new games in the pipe-line. Just label them "For Adults Only - use at your own risk"

Just kidding BF lol. he he he !!

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Scary how timely your post was for me. Burning the midnight oil to post an AAR on the Fellowship of the Newbie thread, my wife flipped out about me playing too much CMBO.

The immediate results of our conversation, in order were: me sleeping on the couch, her hiding my CMBO cd, and me realizing she was right. The aforementioned AAR was Exhibit A.

With my new found perspective, we came to some agreements about me limiting my CMBO time.

Or maybe I just learned a lesson about the importance of making a backup copy of my cd.

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Alsatian, I had a similar "conversation" with my wife (no sleeping on the couch fallout, though) about my playing Counterstrike (which is the closest thing I have to a game addiction) too much. Since then, I have learned that she needs a certain amount of time with me to do stuff (take her out to a movie or coffee or bookstore or something somewhat social are good ways to make her--and probably most women--happy) and if that is satisfied, she doesn't care much about what I do elsewise.

Sounds like you probably already figured this out.

Unfortunately (or perhaps "fortunately"), CM is one of those games that makes you say "I'll quit just as soon as I do this one thing..." until it is 4AM and you've said that about 100 times.

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Mrs. Reinald and me had a 'vivid' discussion just yesterday cause I switched off the TV in order to concentrate on some work while she has been "... enduring the dumb peng-bang-boom in Reinald's home office next to 'her' livingroom for weeks ..."

Calmed things down by finally doing our Christmas-shopping with her and lunch at the Italian restaurant next corner.

[ December 15, 2002, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: reinald@berlin.com ]

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Some friendly advice to you fellas:

You need to find a better solution.

You need a woman who wants to move to the other side of the world from where you are presently. You have to resist at first. You don't want to interrupt your carrer, etc., to move to some place like Indonesia. But then you reluctantly go along with it (and make sure she is given a shipping allowance so you can take your computer with you).

Then, since most overseas positions require a fair amount of regional travel, you should not get a job. That way you can accompany your wife on (most) of the trips she takes, and besides, you don't want another committment to keep you there in case the job turns sour, etc.

So, while she goes to work in the morning, you play CM TCP/IP with your pals back home (their night time--oh, make sure said country has reasonable Internet connectivity). Once they go to bed, you can devote time to the forum and become a research assistant to Michael Dorosh, read relevant (and other) books that you brought with you or pick up on trips home, etc. You refrain from more than a modicum of CM on nights and weekends while she is there.

In return, every so often you have to clean the bathroom, do the laundry regularly, cook dinner, do the dishes, etc. (no fair getting a maid).

I even managed to negotiate taking up golf into the package.

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