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Tank vs Tank engagements: Advice please

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I'm about to start my third mission vs the AI. I did well in the Tutorial and Bruyeres but those were mainly infantry actions. When I loaded the mission in which the Poles face off against retreating Germans in a village (I forget the title) I gulped, as I have no idea how to deploy/use all these vehicles. And I've never fought inside a town environment. I don't mind trial-and-error but it's preferable to have some grounding in simple tactical knowledge to work from; I don't know where to start and I feel like an idiot.

While replies of any length would be greatly appreciated, even brief hints from some of you vets would be welcome...

Many thanks in anticipation...

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Guest Pillar

Actually, if you look at some of the other threads in this section you'll find a pretty comprehensive discussion on Tank vs. Tank.

The main points are:

- Find Hull down positions relative to your suspected enemy position

- Don't scout with tanks

- Have tanks lead in open area, have them trail in anything but.

- Don't commit your tanks decisively until you know where the enemy is

- Learn your tanks strengths and weaknesses and use them.

Then there's that thing called "Luck", which is actually just random chance and a favourable variable wink.gif

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Ice, you can find a couple of decent tactical primers at CMHQ: http://combathq.thegamers.net/articles/articles.asp

My advice would be to play a few quick builds (QB)'s first. Just generate a random map with say 1000 points, let the computer distribute everything and hammer away for a few battles just to get the feel and timing down etc.

Then set up a few QB'S where you pick the equipment yourself and try out some of the vehicles you think might be fun and intersting to play. That way you get to thrash around with stuff and not realy loose anything except your pride.

You sound as though you don't realy want to experiment with the pre-desiged senerio's and I don't blame you. It's better to walk into most of those with a bit of knowledge of the tools your about to use. You will get more out of the experience that way. smile.gif


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Good pointers from Pillar.

I'd add:

- try to get multiple tanks targeting one opponent whenever possible (esp as Allies!)

- If you can't bring multiple tanks to bear at least try to distract his gunners with other tempting targets to give your main gunner a chance to find his range (you never really liked those PIAT guys did you?).

- Never use Move unless absolutely necessary. It should usually be Fast or Reverse between bounds.

- learn to love the armour/AP charts and check each vehicle so you know when a front shot just ain't going to cut it.

- turret speed and ground pressure are not pointless details for the grogs (as you will quickly realise if you drive a KT in the wet!)

- get used to the dreaded CLOINK! sound. Everyone loses tanks. If you're testing as Feuhrerguy recommends, it can be useful to rerun your moves a few times to help you figure out whether he just got lucky or whether your Hetzer is _never_ going to get his shot off in time .

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To amplify what Grim said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>- try to get multiple tanks targeting one opponent whenever possible (esp as Allies!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't clump up your armor. Spread them out and set up crossfires. If you come up against a monster tank with front armor your guns can't defeat, it's MUCH better to have two or three tanks engaging from different angles, the wider the better. You can also alternate your forays into firing position, so say one tank hunts forward and reverses, then 15 seconds later a second tank on the other side does the same. This significantly increases your chance of getting a flank or rear shot (and thus killing the target).


Leland J. Tankersley

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Many thanks for the great response, guys.

I looked up the previous threads last night, followed their advice -- and Pillar's -- and loaded up the Chambois scenario. After eight turns it ain't looking good for my Poles but it's not a rout yet and I'm learning fast. Got hammered in the open ground on the left flank because I did not move my armor fast enough (thanks for the tip, Grim). I'm finding the lowest camera view useful in identifying helpful terrain

from which to hunt and reverse (thanks, Tankersley). I will take your advice Feuhrerguy, and devise a couple of relevant QBs, but meanwhile I will see Chambois through to the bitter end and play it again when better prepared.

Meanwhile would anyone care to comment on:

- When is the best time to disembark infantry from tank transports when there is quite a distance for them to cover before they can engage?

- Should armor be sent in waves, with several vehicles kept in reserve, perhaps even for half the battle?

- Should roads be used or avoided for tanks under fire?

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One more thing you might want to be aware of. There is a concept called "Lanchestering" that might help. The idea is that quantity has a quality all of its own.

If you are faced with numerous tanks and have numerous tanks (irrespective of the quality) always make sure to present your opponent with a numerical superiority.

For example, in "Chance encounter", the three Stug's begin in a wonderful ambush position along an alley in between two rises. To overcome this, take all five of your Shermans and flank left over the ridge. This (hopefully) will block LOS to one or two of the Stugs with the treeline, while allowing all five of your tanks to fire at the only Stug capable of return fire.

After that, scoot and shoot. A score of 2-0 beats 3-1 every time.

This tactic works particularly well against spreaders who go for the cute flank shot. Central positioning and numerical superiority used against an ill-positioned enemy can be pretty devestating.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ice:

Meanwhile would anyone care to comment on:

- When is the best time to disembark infantry from tank transports when there is quite a distance for them to cover before they can engage?

- Should armor be sent in waves, with several vehicles kept in reserve, perhaps even for half the battle?

- Should roads be used or avoided for tanks under fire?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I try to disembark riders in covered terrain right before I anticipate fighting other tanks. Passengers can't fire back, so all they CAN do is get shot of the back deck of your tank.

Yes, but it depends on your style of play. The allies are usually better suited to rushes due to (typically) more tanks and better firing on the move capabilities (fast turrets really help here). I almost always like keeping someone back in an overwatch position, though.

Especially in wet conditions, they can help mobility a lot, but moving off roads when expecting action is not a bad idea. If you're attacking down a road, they make great ambushes when lines by trees or buildings.


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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When commanding Allied tank destroyers, (not German, they are quite different) *always* go for flank shots, and use your speed advantage. Remember, the TD sacrifices armor for speed and mobility. If you get hit, your armor is usually too thin to protect you much, so keep moving fast, darting in and out from cover, snapping off quick shots at your enemy, moving around him to flank all the while. This works best with two or more TDs, one on each side of your opponet's tank.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

Don't clump up your armor. Spread them out and set up crossfires. If you come up against a monster tank with front armor your guns can't defeat, it's MUCH better to have two or three tanks engaging from different angles, the wider the better. You can also alternate your forays into firing position, so say one tank hunts forward and reverses, then 15 seconds later a second tank on the other side does the same. This significantly increases your chance of getting a flank or rear shot (and thus killing the target).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Consistent with that, whenever possible, send your tanks/TDs in pairs if you have enough to do so. That way, if one becomes immobilized or knocked out, you still maintain a threat on that side. If you don't have enough vehicles to do that, try using AT teams to achieve the same purpose.

Several times I've succeeded in distracting an enemy AFV with an AT team long enough to maneuver my tank into position to get a killing shot. Sometimes you may even sucker them into changing facing in a way that makes it still easier for you.


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 08-30-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

When commanding Allied tank destroyers, (not German, they are quite different) *always* go for flank shots, and use your speed advantage.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was playing a QB the other night with my 5 year old son watching and cheering me on. To make it fun for him (and me biggrin.gif ), played as the US and got a couple of M18 Hellcats. Sent both of them at top speed down either edge of the map. May not have been good tactics, but it was REALLY fun to watch from view 1 or 2 locked onto them!

As it turned out, the AI had a Panther sitting behind a clump of woods in the center of the map. Both M18s ended up getting 2 shots each at it (last one killed it catastrophically) before its turret could bear on even one of them. Maybe not such bad tactics, after all. smile.gif


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie:

played as the US and got a couple of M18 Hellcats. Sent both of them at top speed down either edge of the map. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

An excellent mobile ambush, using speed to gain surprise. The M18 can do this well, and it's one of my favorite vehicles.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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People, please! I'd like to be able to read these discussions of tactics without losing FOW for scenarios I haven't played. It does ask somewhere that people not mention scenario-specific information except under the scenario topic.

I'm not quoting here to avoid singling anyone out. And maybe I mean "forum" not "topic". But I'm sure you take my meaning.

[This message has been edited by willmontgomery (edited 09-06-2000).]

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