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The Nordic Championships (Part III)

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Right, FOW is lifted on the scenarios. Feel free to discuss them. Passwords are as follows:


Allied: iris

Axis: haunt

Twin Valley

Allied: aloha

Axis: Crete


Allied: conflict

Axis: engage


We could start the finals again with just the three of you, but we still need three scenarios even with one less player. QBs would probably be the way to go because they are more or less balanced. We would simply total players' points for the three games and the highest total wins.

The schedule would look like this:

A vs B

B vs C

C vs A

Treeburst155 out.

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Few comments about my performance in the scenarios. First let us take Kriegstadt this one I fought against Mattias.

When I saw this scenario I was a bit puzzled by the crack arborne company under my command. City has many places for ambush so I decided to advance with caution. My plan was to overwhelm the opposition by using heavy buildings and their better cover to kill more enemy than I would lose myself.

No contact was made for many turns until one of my squads was almost completely annihilated. Quickly trying to gain local superiority I found a crack Gebirgsjäger squad. This did enforce my doubt that this would be the "balanced" one of these scenarios. Long story cut short I lost most of the opening firefights because I had spread my foces too thin, I could gain no local superiority. I did spread them mostly because I have had few disgusting friendly fire incidents with tightly packed units. (This would have propably not been the case in this scenario due to high experience of the forces.) And I wanted to have four manouvre groups.

As it turned out this was allmost perfectly balanced scenario, only mirrored map could have made it more balanced, and should have resulted a draw. But night figts are allways quite random and can go either way. So what would have been the winning strategy? 1. Rushing the church. This is what Mattias did and the result speaks for itself. 2. Gather a hard punch and storm each station individualy. This strategy has a problem with friendly fire and if the opposition does the same luck has a high authority deciding the winner. Giving the nature of night battles (low visibility, danger of friendly fire) I think that night battles with fog can't reliably decide the better player.

Second game Twin Valleys with Ari. I planned my defence on the assumption that I would face an mechanized opponent. When it truned out that I would be facing outflanking tactics and forrest fighting I knew I had lost. My defence was optimized to yeld the best result against a mechanized enemy. The rigid plan allowed much too little flexibility to counter the flexible tactics used by Ari. I think I did a good job minimizing the losses after hope of a victory was lost. (I can only think of a one platoon I could have saven had I retreated it before the mortars started blasting.) Also my hiding Hetzer was discovered too early unbeknownst to me. I thought all the time he was my Ace up the sleeve.

Well what would have been a winnig strategy with this scenario? Well the control of central forrest was crucial to succes in my mind and I should have placed more troops there. Using quick hit and run tactics against infrantry trying to reach the forrest. This tactic would have not worked so good against a mechnized enemy, but I think it would have proven adequate should that have been the case. Also in a real world this tactic would have been too prone to encircelment of the whole company, atleast in my mind.

Third battle Fluid against Cogust was dropped before I could clearly say which way the fight was going. I would be pleased if I could get the game files between Mattias and Ari to see how did they tacle the problems presented in this scenario.

If my opponents like to share their side of the fight I would be glad to hear their comments.


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My comments:

Kriegstadt against Cogust. I played the Fallschirmjägers.

A nightly infantry meeting engagement with even forces in a small town. Pretty nice scenario although I don’t particularly enjoy the randomness of night fighting. Men just keep dying without clear reason which is frustrating.

Played the first 3 turns. Both sides took some casualties and a look with the Allied password reveals that both of us had concentrated almost all the forces on the same side of the map. We had chosen pretty much identical method to crack this scenario. An extremely violent shoot-out would have most likely ensued in the very next turns. But unfortunately before that point Conny completely disappeared from the CMBO scene.

Fluid against Mattias. I played the Yanks.

Nasty scenario for the Allied player. I think the key here for the “supposed” attacker is to make very throughout recon, whereas the Axis defender should try to keep his main force hidden for as long as possible thus luring the attacker to make overly optimistic moves. The vast mine fields are poison against fast advance and coupled with TRPs they can seriously hurt the attacker’s infantry and even armor. Also because of the water obstacles the defender has some very sweet spots to place AT-guns on without fear of incoming enemy infantry. And the city roads offer great tactical mobility to the defender’s numerous SP guns. Lastly but not leastly the heavy buildings are excellent shelters against the attacker’s HE fire and also offer almost unlimited vantage points with good view.

In the actual match I almost right away lost both of my Greyhounds to a veteran 50mm AT gun in a lightning attempt to KO nearby StuH with flank shots. Then my troops bumped into the mine fields and wherever they tried to close in the town, they were met by defending volksturm and sicherung troops and enemy armor. Bit by bit it cleared up that the defender probably wasn’t the underdog at all. I took the nearest flag, but the furthest one was clearly out of reach. By turn 24 my advance had almost stopped and I begun to worry about a potential counterattack, because the defender still seemed to have lots of reserves left. Anyway before committing completely on defence I decided to make one good try to the flag in the mid town and first preparations were under progress...

Twin Valleys against Tuomas. I played the Brits.

Interesting scenario with many options left to the attacking player. The relative freedom was refreshing after Fluid’s shackling atmosphere.

From the very beginning I decided to concentrate most of my forces on the right side of the map. Well reconnoitered attack breached the defences although Tuomas’ defenders took their toll, and my tanks become relatively free to operate on enemy’s left flank. Big load of 3-inch mortar rounds helped enormously in cleansing the central forest and after that the main battle was over. Luckily one of my forward observers spotted the Hetzer before it sneaked into it’s hiding place and I knew to keep my men out of potential firing lines. I was constantly worried about possible AT guns, because the map has lots of good places for them, but fortunately it turned out that the defender has got only one.


Thanks to all the opponents so far and particularly to Tuomas who has been the only one to finish a match with me in the finals. Cogust’s early departure was a big blow and I think that along time it affected everyone’s play, because he didn’t inform anything to anyone. Hopefully we will be able to solve the Nordic Championships with CMBB.


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Well, here I am, sorry for being no good opponent and dropping off. I was legitimately off line for a week or two while my ISP moved my account to the new address but after that I have no excuse, apart from having had pretty much no fun at all with my computer since smile.gif

There has been absolutely no time to sit down and for a good while I actually forgot about the tournament.

But, now that we are here I am open for all suggestions..

I spotted the thread by chance but I'll be coming back.



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As the dark and cold of winter descends upon the Nordic states, the combatants once again take up arms from the the comfort of their homes.

Thanks for the scenario reviews/AARs. I hope Nabla sees them. I will make sure he does.

If there are no objections we will resolve the Nordic Championship among you three with three CMBB QBs. The schedule will be:

Mattias vs Tuomas

Tuomas vs Ari

Ari vs Mattias

All players play the other two one time. All players play each side one time (Allies on the left). Arrange any type/size of QB you want. Negotiate your own games. There are many custom maps available for QBs at this time if you want to use them. The highest total score for the three games wins the wine. The deadline for game completion is before the snow melts in Helsinki. smile.gif Any objections to this plan?

Treeburst155 out.

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