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An example of some of my frustration with CM:BB - help!

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Okay folks, here's a situation, typical for me in BB, that is still frustrating me.

QB vs. AI. I am Sovs defending, 1941. I have two 45mm ATGs. I place them in pretty much the only place they can do any good - this location (in Woods) has a long corridor of LOS out to about 650m. I don't want them opening up on infantry so I give them the "Max" 180 forward Cover Armor. I don't want them opening up at all at long range because they're only 45mm ATGs, so I Hide them. They are both Regulars and in Command of the Company Commander.

30 seconds into turn 1 they both see a German "Light Tank?" at > 600m and immediately open fire. Huh? I mean, does the Cover Armor override the Hide that severely? I get lucky and they kill whatever it is. A few seconds after that a PzIV and another "Light Tank?" show up in the same area and immediately take one of the offending ATGs under fire (I don't know about you guys but my ATGs are always spotted pretty quickly). Throughout the next turn that single ATG and the two AFV exchange fire. The ATG keeps firing at the PzIV even though it's bouncing shells off willy-nilly, never fires at the "Light Tank?" which is both easier to hit and presumably easier to kill. And at the end of the turn, I notice that the second ATG, even though it has had LOS to the "Light Armor?" the whole turn, no LOS to the PzIV, and had already exposed itself to kill the first "Light Armor?", isn't targetting the offending "Light Armor?" which is helping to drive the crew of the first ATG face down into the dirt.

So where is the consistancy of feedback there? What is happening? Does a Cover Armor order override a Hide command? Okay fine, I'm willing to learn that (even though I think it's ridiculous), but then why is ATG #2 not firing at a now-valid target? Why is ATG #1 continuing to try to hit and kill a target that is both harder to hit and penetrate than the one right next to it, also laying fire on the ATG's position?

I could list other examples of tremendously inconsistant and counterproductive behavior that I've encounterd multiple times since I started playing the game - what am I not "getting" here that everyone else seems to be okay with?


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Guest PondScum

Yes, a cover arc overrides a hide command. It's the replacement for CMBO's ambush command - instead, you hide your ambushing units and give them a cover arc. They un-hide and open up whenever something enters that arc.

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I have noticed on a few occasions units in CMBB that have stopped firing at the enemy for no apparent reason, even while identical units next to them are blazing away. I've seen others comment on this. I suspect it is a bug. The best thing to do is to save the file and send it to Madmatt with a detailed descripion of what to look for. Better yet, if playing against the AI save every turn just before you hit the GO button so you can see if it is happening consistently and is reproducable.

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I think they are shooting at the Pz IV rather than the light tank because they see it as the greater threat to them. I think that's pretty realistic, assuming that they have some chance of knocking out the Pz IV.

In a hypothetical US-Iraq war, if an Abrams and a Bradley popped up in front of a T-72, the T-72 commander is not going to tell the gunner to aim at the Bradley because they know that they can knock it out (and some bradleys do have missiles that can knock out a T-72, IIRC). I think that's about the situation you have with your AT guns.

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dalem - if the second gun had "kill:none" on the light armour it will not fire unless fired on. maybe this is why your second ATG didn't fire - because it was not under attack? This is a good thing - it may have gone back to the "lost contact" icon as far as your opponent was concerned, and hence be saved.

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