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Testers for "Hell on Horseshoe Hill"??

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Anyone interested in testing a scenario with an interesting map? The scenario goes like this...

The Ruher has been surrounded, and also a little know hill along the Mosel River. Near Alf-Bullay high atop a hill sits Marienberg Castle. It is not the Castle that is remarkable, but rather the hill upon which it sits. At this point of the river, the Mosel forms a horseshoe. Inside the horseshoe is a hill, which commands a view north, and south along the Mosel River. Nothing can pass this way on or along the river that can not be seen from atop this hill. The gallant Germans that hold this hill have repelled numerous attacks with their bunkers and other defenses anchored in the hill like nails in a horseshoe. So far luck has been with the Germans, but the skies are clearing and the luck is running out of THIS horseshoe....


[This message has been edited by groundpounder (edited 09-22-2000).]

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Guest Rommel22


Send it my way too.


I have been gone so for long damn. I should start making more scenrios like I used too. Good old days!!!


From the Das Reich book as said by a German soldier

"when the Russians reached us, we opened fire, the first wave had no weapons.

The second wave didn't either (fire fodder). The 3rd and 4th had weapons and opened fire on us.

By this time we were low on ammo, but we drove them back."

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