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Will CMBB have on map 120mm mortars?

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You are correct, sir, there have been no answers forth-coming. We have (obtusely I'm sure) pointed out the fact that on some larger CMBB maps, a 120mm mortar would not have the range required to fire from one end to the other, REQUIRING on board mortars, but as of yet, mum's the word.

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And even some artillery pieces. With 9x9 km maps thre are some artillery guns that haden´t got that range :eek: :eek: :eek: smile.gif

it would be cool to have 120mm mortars ingame, probably fixewd with a lot of ammo smile.gif

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It would be a bit of a fiddle because even with on board artillery or large mortars, they ought to be able to fire indirectly with the help of an FO. But this ain't likely to happen. So I'd be satisfied with the old system. If the mortars don't technically have range to every inch of the map, the remedy is to simply not worry about it. Problem solved.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

... would not have the range required to fire from one end to the other, REQUIRING on board mortars, ...

This is something of a no brainer...

In the current CMBO maps are often larger than the maximum range of 3"/81mm mortars, but off map mortars still can reach every point of the map.

(At the same time the maps are commonly beyond minimum lobbing range for German IGs*, so logically they should be able to do IF missions while on map.)



* Range with the gun at maximum elevation and minimum propellant was for the 75mm IG about 400m, and for the 15cm about 800m.

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