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Combat Mission Clone?

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Looks like Strategy First has a Combat Mission clone in the works. It's being developed by Freedom Games which they claim are the developers of the first Close Combat. I thought it was Atomic Games. Anyone know or have an original Combat Mission box?

G.I. Combat

Either way though I refuse to buy any more Strategy First products after WWII Online(need I say more) and the unstableness of Europa Universalis. Both great games pushed out prematurly by a ****ty publisher. Shame 'cause the games graphics look great. Though it looks like you command indivdual soldiers whihc means recreating a battalion level battle a real chore!

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Yeah, Close Combat Mission looks horrable though. I think the graphics reek. They look about three years out of date. Can anyone say: Panzer Elite? (that's what it looks like; just with more textures for the infantry) I bet it won't measure up to CM.

I thought that company filed chapter-11 anyway. I belive WWII online forced them to go belly up? Saw it in one of the PC game mags somewhere.

[ March 25, 2002, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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