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No FSAA with Radeon 9700

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I can't get the Full Screen Anti Aliesing to turn on. I found the menu to adjust it under the display settings menu when you right-click on the desktop. I enabled it for both opengl and directx. But no matter what settings I checked FSAA would not turn on.

I reinstalled my geforce4 ti4600 just to make sure I wasnt seeing things. Sure enough, if I disabled the FSAA it looked just like what I was seeing with the 9700.

BTW I am using the latest drivers from ati.com and my system is an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ with 1 Gig of RAM.

p.s. I could not get FSAA enabled on BF1942 either.

[ October 06, 2002, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: George-III ]

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I don't have a Radeon 9700 and I haven't checked the latest Catalyst drivers for their FSAA features on a Radeon 8500 and CM.

Looking over some forums several people have mentioned problems with FSAA and several titles (the most common one being BF1942). It appears that FSAA may be broken for some DirectX titles and the latest Catalysts. However I don't think you can go back too far with the Catalyst drivers and still support the Radeon 9700.

If you want to pursue this further I'd suggest downloading the Rage 3D Tweaker and experiment with the settings (not all of which really work). You may find a combination of filter or other settings that may re-enable FSAA or at least may the screen a little more pleasant to look at.

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Thanks Chris,

I registered on the Rage3D board and posted a reply in the thread. I hope all the requests will be heard.

I also went to http://www.ati.com/ and found their customer support feedback page:


Maybe if enough people send in customer support complaints about this they will listen.

*sigh* $400 bucks and I have to beg them for support......man.

[ October 06, 2002, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: George-III ]

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