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From Xavier

I agree.


There is nothing that I stated that is wrong. The use of terms like "evil" and "bad", regardless if true or not, is most times subjective depending on what culture and society you are from (and what history books you are reading). I'm absolutely positive that Nazis were evil, but I do understand that my culture, education, and upbringing has some effect on my beliefs.

I know better than to debate with you on who was bad and who was good and do not wish to go there. So I generalized. And so I also bid this thread farewell.

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OK, good point, I'll agree with that. All people are either good or evil or (most likely) a mixture of both. That is independent of nation, culture, religion, etc.

Anyway, that attitude makes it much easier to admire the accomplishments of those who might have been on the "wrong side" or whatever. In fact, that attitude make it easier to admire people in general.

However, in Combat Mission that attitude makes it perfectly allright to consider your cowardly sneaking forces as the dogs they are, and I am happy to shoot them all!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

So who do YOU think were the good and bad guys, cmplayer?

Good Guys:

Dudley DoRight (even if he is Canadian)

Marlow – Champion of all that is Noble and Right

Cmplayer – Former (mostly) loyal sidekick

Bad Guys:

Nasty Canasta

Borris Badanov

Jo Xia – Corrupter of the MBT

Seanachai – Agent of Evil

Berli – Evil

Panzer Leader - Lacky Lickspittle to the Agent of Evil

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