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Operation Carentan

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This was a terrific operation made more entertaining by the fact that I finally beat the AI. However, I noticed a couple of things that may merit mention. The Germans shelled me continuously, but at a most inopportune time for them, the AI barraged me with smoke, not HE. My soldiers reacted as though high explosive was falling, and I even took casualties, but it was clearly smoke. I took advantage of the blunder and scampered across the bridge. Did I experience a bug? I also saw a Nashorn SP gun morph into a Stug III. Was that the "fog of war" thing or a bug? I noticed a particular house disintegrate following a direct hit, but I saved and exited the program only to return later and find the house reappear. The rubble had been moved to the other side of the street. Has anyone else experience these things?

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The Nashorn / Stug incident is FOW. I played scenarios that featured Tigers advancing thru scattered trees only to become Mark IVs once they exited to clear terrain.

The rubble incident sounds like a bug to me, do you still have the file to send to Charles?

In re: to the smoke, are you sure your troops wern't recieving any other fire? That might account for the reaction / casualties.


The dead know only one thing - it is better to be alive

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I experienced the same type of problem but with units on my own side (no FOW issue)! In the scenario XXX I left a flamethrower hiding in a field for about 12 turns. When I finally realized I forgot about that unit I noticed it was now a platoon HQ! No flamethrower in sight!

Morphing capability or STL vector bug?

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I'm playing battle 9 tonight. I had a ball, but man am I glad it's ending. _I'm_ suffering from battle-fatigue from playing this monster. It's gone back and forth for the 3 simulated days. St-Come Du Mont has changed hands 3 times and I think I can hold on to it.

Day 1 belonged to the Americans, then at night I counter-attacked and kept attacking for most of day 2 but got stopped cold while making a final push for the edge of the board. By now, most of my squads are down to 40% or so and I can't even think about attacking any more. Day 3 had the Americans cancelling most of my gains but I've stopped them at the town, which by the way has only a few buildings left standing and old hulks of about 15 destroyed tanks lying all over the place. The immersion factor of this game is great! I feel like I live in St Come Du Mont by now.


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One thing I wanted to capture as the Germans, which comes through, was the sense that no matter how well any particular battle went those Americans just keep coming again the next time with more firepower troops and tanks, and there just isn't enough troops and equipment to hold the whole front like you'd wish. This comes through loud and clear any most German accounts of the campaign. It's heartbreaking to give up ground you fought so hard to keep just becasue the next guys over on the left couldn't hold...


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Whew, finally finished. If I can make it through this one, I think I can play anything.

It ended up being a draw, but I'm happy with the result because I handicapped +25% forces and +1 experience. Battle 9 was a quiet one with just a bit of artillery fire exchanged. The US had had enough at that point.

The casualties were a horrendous 1298 men and 55 vehicles lost for the US and 513 men and 52 vehicles for the Germans.

> This comes through loud and clear any most > German accounts of the campaign. It's

> heartbreaking to give up ground you fought > so hard to keep just becasue the next guys > over on the left couldn't hold...

It's true, but I think this operation is one that could really have benefitted from having pockets and salients in the starting line. St Come Du Mont could theoretically have been nearly surrounded several times in my play and it would have been gut-wrenching having to make the decision at the beginning of a battle whether to leave my guys there to try to hold the town regardless or to pull them back to a safer line. It's a bit of a pain that the computer makes the operational decision for you and always pulls you back to a straight starting line.


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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Welcome John Kelly,

Glad to see my first PBEM opponent (Demo) posting here.

I think it is possible for smoke rounds to inflict casualties - in one PBEM game i had a Sherman immobilized by smoke rounds falling all around him - unless a hidden Kraut unit somehow popped up and nailed him!!! I never did find out. Do you think it was possible that 2 different FO's were targetting you - one with smoke rounds and one with HE rounds?

It may even have been a deliberate move by the AI to fire smoke, were you directing heavy small arms fire at the enemy? I usually find that the AI uses far more smoke than PBEM opponents, and it is usually for a good reason. Did you have a tank in that vicinity too? The AI often tries to block the sight of tanks.

I will be in Hong Kong on the 10th August, i hope my CM Copy will have arrived by then so i can bring it back to Shanghai........along with my new 1Ghz machine!

The rubble problem sounds like a bug - I have not read any other reports of this happening on the forum.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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I really enjoyed this scenario (playing as the germans)


Especially when the Amis rolled 4 shermans on me on the first turn w/ no inf. support. "Pang", went the panzerschencks! 4 shermans brewing up. But IMO the Amis were a bit timid for the rest of the op. They attacked strongly w/ inf. on the first night tunr pushing me back 1 map. After that, howver they did not attack in force again until the last turn. And they never got anywhere near the bridges. Still, an enjoyable op. I would be interested to take on a live opponent instead of AI in this one!


I'm sorry, we haven't the

facilities to take all of you prisoner. Was there anything else?

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> They attacked strongly w/ inf. on the

> first night tunr pushing me back 1 map.

> After that, howver they did not attack in > force again

This happened to me too. Nothing like a disasterous night attack to take the wind out of their sails. I actually tried to skip the night battle on battle 8, but the US decided to go for it which was a little surprising.

> And they never got anywhere near the

> bridges

I cheated a little bit and checked the victory conditions after the game and it's quite lenient. The US only has to advance 30% of the big map before the results go in their favor, so they don't actually have to make it to the bridges to get their victory.


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