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Recon images for 'Fertile Fields' commando action.

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Just finished and sent the new scenario, Fertile Fields, off to my trusty playtesters. It's a fictional rear-area infiltration with British glider troops aided by behind the lines Polish resistance. This scenario is intended for play as the Allies vs. the Axis AI only.

It comes packed w/ some maps and recon images to help the Allied player with some vital intel. The Allied briefing is quite long (9 pages) but includes the type of detailed information present in the planning of a covert operation. This includes a mission overview, background info., a breakdown of all seperate assault elements, and a timetable for coordination of the seperate assault elements.

Here's a small look at some of the recon images and following that, the initial overall breifing.


Title: Fertile Fields.

Size: Large.

Type: Rear area commando insurgency.

Date: April 45.

Location: The entirely FICTIONAL Vlcek Dam facility.

Weather: Heavy rain.

Ground condition: Sloppy.

Length: 60 turns.

This scenario is intended for single player play w/ the AI as the AXIS defender.

The war is over and the Germans know it. Having pushed deeper into the Fatherland, the Allied powers are eating up untold kilometers on multiple fronts daily. The once proud armies of the Reich are shattered and falling back at every turn. Bolstered by a mind-boggling wealth of men and materials, the imminent victors turn their thoughts from fighting the Axis to fighting one another for real estate.

The Soviets, having stated bluntly their intention to occupy every inch of land they advance over, are as good as their word. Day by day, mile by mile, the Russians gobble up formerly sovereign nations that they have no intention of ever relinquishing.

For their part, the western Allies push eastward at a furious pace. Their intention not to occupy, but deprive the Soviets of occupation. Even before one enemy has fallen, another is born.

Although the West won't risk openly sparring with the Soviets in the current political atmosphere, a number of very dicey covert operations have been green-lighted to lessen the eventual Soviet "take". These actions will facilitate the following dictums:

1. Recovery of any facilities, war materials, or any other resources (natural or fabricated) that may strengthen or serve any eventual Soviet occupational/settlement element.

2. Destruction of said facilities, war materials, or any other resources (natural or fabricated) when recovery thereof is operationally or tactically implausible.

3. Recovery of documents, research, samples/specimens (re.pp211-214; XXXMedcorps Br.404: ID/Handling agents:atomic/air-born gas/nerve/biological) or any other intelligence resources (including HumInt) that may strengthen or serve any eventual Soviet occupational/settlement element.

4. Destruction of said documents, research, samples/specimens (re.pp214-248; XXXMedcorps Br.404: ID/Destroy agents:atomic/air-born gas/nerve/biological) or any other intelligence resources (including HumInt) when recovery thereof is operationally or tactically implausible.

5. Aggressive detainment and subsequent recruitment of Axis HumInt resources including but not limited to Abwehr and SonderKommandos.

6. Aggressive neutralization of said Axis HumInt resources should detainment or subsequent recruitment prove impossible.

Under the guiding hand of a joint MI5-OSS commission, all the missions will run concurrently and all enjoy the MI5 kiss-of-death brand: "MOST EXTREMELY SECRET". Most of these operations have been dug up out of the "way too risky" trash can.

Your mission is a smash and grab occupation at the Vlcek Dam Research Facility. The code name for the action is "Fertile Fields". Enjoy the Sudetenland, sir.

If you're interested in playtesting this prior to release, let me know!

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Am about 1/3 through it - and i love it. Reminds me of how the game "Commandos" SHOULD have been made.

It takes very meticulous planning, and lots of attention to lines of sight and such, but I am having a heck of a good time. AARs/spoilers tomorrow.

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I'm glad you're diggin' it. I wanted a departure from a "There's you're objective, boys. Go get 'em!" style of play. A functional set of ROE hobbled together from months of intel (accurate or not) was how these commando types operated, and I wanted to try to simulate that.

As it stands, I've seen the operation zip along like a greased pig, every element fulfilling his role. I've also seen it go totally wrong from the outset and turn into an Allied bloodbath.

I look forward to your AAR!


Sending it right now.

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Okay, so I am running a bit late.

AAR's TONIGHT (I hope) -












































Clubfoot, I noticed that the German forces in and around the buildings just south of the vehicle park seem to be patrolling - I observed movement between buildings and back and forth across the road long before my men were spotted or before I engaged the enemy. Whenever I place initial forces, they tend to stay put until (1) engaged; or (2) the enemy is making a substantial push in another area and the AI decides to send some reinforcements.

Just wondering.

[ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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That is probably one of two things. The first is the result of an Infantry Sounds? contact the AI has percieved.

The other alternative is that security is investigating the sudden destruction of the pillbox and (possible) eradication of a security squad by the dam. Security at the center of the dam and the garrison of troops at the vehicle park won't budge for fear of evacuating their large victory flags prematurely. So 'extra' security assets at the arty park are dispatched to investigate.

This is odd, but in a way I'm glad it happens. It means that location specific security stay put, garrisoned riflemen stay garrisoned (initially), and some security troops conduct patrols in the event of strangeness.

[ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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Hi all,

That is a great scenario clubfoot. It is one of the best ones I've played. Here is a description of what I did:

I moved Nico over to the PIAT's and started for the Vehicle Park. Simultaneousely, my Polish Engineers went hiking over to the AT Bunker and Flamethrowed it. I lost my Flamethrower in the Process. Then I moved the Engineers over to the mines and started removing them. Unfortuneately, One of my engineer units couldn't seem to defuse the mines on the dirt road. Then the Tanks+Inf arrived at the East Dam Roads. The Sherman II was held up for 4 turns by the mines, as the engineers didn't seem to know what they were doing. Meanwhile, I moved the Firefly toward the Dam area and shelled the Guardhouse into Rubble. Then Nico and his PIAT's, as they were nearing the vehicle park, were cut down by MG's and Tanks. The only survivor was Nico, who was able to crawl to the edge of the tree's and hide. I now moved the engineer's (Element Yellow) over to the Stage Blue area to defuse those AT mines. As they were hiking through the woods, Element Blue arrived and my troops started moving forward. The 2 Panther's and Tiger started doing long-range shelling of my troops along with several MG-42's. To eliminate the tanks, I moved my Firefly forward into the LOS of the Panther. The Firefly then knocked out the Panther, and I had my troops run forward to the cover of the Bocage. By then, the Polish engineer's had arrived and cleared out the AT mines. The Firefly moved fotrward and knocked out another Panther A. I then had my troops run around the end of the Bocage and run for the tree's and hide. Meanwhile, Nico tried to run back to his own lines, but a previously unseen Infantry Sqauad cut him down as he was running away. On the left Flank, My Firefly and Sherman II shelled all the troops out of the Large Building on the east side of the dam. Then they slowly moved forward and knocked out the Pillbox MG. I then moved the Firefly (Element Blue) towards the town on the road. I also moved the Element Yellow/Blue troops towards the woods next to the vehicle park. I then moved the Sherman II and Firefly towards the edge of the dam and started shelling the vehicle park from the edge of the dam. I moved the Element Blue Firefly to the edge of the vehicle park, (right next to the MG) and started shelling it. I then slowly moved the Infantry up next to the scat trees to the SE of the Vehicle Park. Meanwhile, Element Green infantry occupied the east Dam Buildings, while the Green tanks continued shelling the vehicle park. Then I had my tanks on the dam (Green) split up. I had the Firefly continue shelling the Vehicle park, while the Sherman II attacked the Central Dam Buildings. I then received Element Black Reinforcements in the NE Field. I had the Black troops walk towards the Vehicle Park, and the Wasp moved toward the road. I then started moving my Blue Firefly into the Town, but it was Panzerfausted partway through the town. I then rushed my Wasp through the town and it knocked out a truck. On the other side of the vehicle park, my wasp was knocked out by a "light gun?" on the other side of the river. By now the Black reinforcements were at the area and started shooting at a bunch of Trucks, Kubelwagen's, and Gun tractor's. So now, to knock out the Tiger that is slaughtering my troops in the Vehicle Park, I have the Firefly on top of the Dam rush down to the Vehicle Park. Unfortuneately, On the way down, it was hit by the light gun and it's gun was damaged. So I moved it into the town and hid it behind a building, out of LOS for the Tiger and raced my Sherman II down to the town. By now, most of element Black was slaghtered by the tiger and most of Element Blue is at half strength and low on ammo. White just arrived, and They are hiding in the field where they came in. That's were I'm at, Turn 38, and I love this scenario! The Briefing that came with it was very good, and the map was designed very, very good. I encourage everyone to do this scenario, as it is definately The Best (Maybe Blowfish will be even better... smile.gif )



[ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: Panther G ]

[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: Panther G ]</p>

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