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BFC: Whats Next? Going to the Desert or Engine Rewrite?

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Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

On a side note, I think that it would almost be odd to go to the Mediterranian after CMBB. Talk about downsizing! Not necessarily in size of theatre of operations, but just the scale of battles and what not!

True, I suppose. But since CM was never intended to model really big battles in the first place (it's the wrong scale for that) the objection is irrelevant. Most of the North African battles are also too big to be modeled in CM in their entirety.

The main thing is that a great many of the battles in NA are of interest for their own sake. It was to a considerable extent a campaign of pure tactics (if we are willing to overlook the huge role that logistics played there). I think that once you as a British player have tried to penetrate a PaK front to get at the German tanks, you will begin to see what I mean.

Then, of course, there is all the rest of the Mediterranean area to consider in all its glorious variety. Sunny skies; blue seas; beautiful, jewel-like islands; olive groves; gorgeous, sexy women.... [sigh] I can barely wait.


[ August 23, 2002, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Then, of course, there is all the rest of the Mediterranean area to consider in all its glorious variety. Sunny skies; blue seas; beautiful, jewel-like islands; olive groves; gorgeous, sexy women.... [sigh] I can barely wait.


On behalf of all the babes from Minsk and Smolensk you just insulted, I heartily slap your face, sir!!!

EDIT - and didn't the Finns post some pictures and video of a couple of their über-babes?

[ August 23, 2002, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

True, I suppose. But since CM was never intended to model really big battles in the first place (it's the wrong scale for that) the objection is irrelevant. Most of the North African battles are also too big to be modeled in CM in their entirety.

True true, the other michael already got me on that point. I am thinking more strategic when I make a statement like that. It also depends on your point of view as Obi Wan once told Luke. To me, I like to play out battles in CM where I know that in reality, this battle was a smaller part of a huge military operation (market garden for instance). I find it more interesting to play it out in that mind frame. Perhaps its just me! smile.gif , but for me that makes it more fun.

Not that in any way NA did not have its share of large scale armour clashes with artillery (not quite like the russians though!!) and infantry support. At any rate, its going to CM so its going to be no matter what it is!!

Then, of course, there is all the rest of the Mediterranean area to consider in all its glorious variety. Sunny skies; blue seas; beautiful, jewel-like islands; olive groves; gorgeous, sexy women.... [sigh] I can barely wait.
So the engine rewrite is going to model women now? Two things come to mind: pimple faced teenagers rushing to CM (and maybe some non pimple faced men!! :eek: ) and the term 'mod slut' taking on a whole new meaning!

Chad Harrison

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Regarding the whole pacific theatre battles, I would much rather see that come by means of MODS (as we see above, which looks really good BTW!), rather than an entire 2-3 years of BFC's time being spent on it.

There are much better places to visit with CM. Like, EARLY WAR FRANCE/HOLLAND! I see the Pacific as much more of a naval encounter than infantry on the tactical scale. Yes there was a lot of famous land battles and amphibious assaults, but the focus of the war in the pacific was the carrier groups. Thats what won or lost almost all land operations.

Chad Harrison

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

...all the babes from Minsk and Smolensk you just insulted...

Actually, I don't recall mentioning women from either of those two towns at all. But now that you have brought the subject up I am more than happy to expand on it for a while.

While the Russians and other assorted Slavs have produced occasional women of extraordinary beauty, I would have to say that they are indeed few and far between. And while those same folk have many virtues greatly to be esteemed and the world would certainly be poorer for their absence, I would not rate great physical attractiveness high on the list. In fact, I find both sexes to be rather gross in appearance. The women look like Khruschev and the men look like Breznev. Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you may find those types more appealing than I, in which case you are welcome to them. Sir.

EDIT - and didn't the Finns post some pictures and video of a couple of their über-babes?
If so, I missed it utterly. Have a link?


[ August 24, 2002, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

Regarding the whole pacific theatre battles, I would much rather see that come by means of MODS (as we see above, which looks really good BTW!), rather than an entire 2-3 years of BFC's time being spent on it.

The problem with that is that probably a majority of the data that the game relies on to make its calculations and produce the action on the screen would be invalid for a Pacific game. The Japanese were not armed or organized like any of the armies modeled in the game so far or projected in the future. Come to that, even the Allied armies (including the USMC) were not identical to their counterparts in Europe. The terrain conditions would also be significantly different.

In other words, to try to derive a Pacific game exclusively through mods would be extremely bogus. I'm sure that won't deter some people smile.gif , but it really isn't in the spirit that the game was designed.

There are much better places to visit with CM. Like, EARLY WAR FRANCE/HOLLAND!
This much I agree with. smile.gif

I see the Pacific as much more of a naval encounter than infantry on the tactical scale. Yes there was a lot of famous land battles and amphibious assaults, but the focus of the war in the pacific was the carrier groups. Thats what won or lost almost all land operations.
I have expressed a desire many times that someone (and BFC would be my first choice) would produce a computer game similar to Flat Top by Yaquinto/Avalon Hill. That would be wonderful!


[ August 24, 2002, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:


Mike, baby! The night is young! Surely you'll not call it quits now when the party is just getting warmed up? I haven't even done my Groucho Marx impersonation yet! Nobody's lit a single fart! You can't leave now!



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Why restrict ourselves strictly to WWII. I think with "little" tinkering game-engine can handle "modern" warfare (and I don't mean smartbombing from miles away or cruise missile strikes from hell). There are a lot of intresting conflicts to model, like Balkan crisis in 90',

Afganisthan 80' and for our U.S fans - Vietnam. Korea would also be intresting theatre.

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I'd like to see a return to the western front for the engine rewrite, with all the crazy improvements that are sure to come, I'd love to play it again. That, and I dont think a Afrikan Desert\Balkans time frame or a 'Watch France get stomped, again' time frame would appeal to a very broad audience. Although that probably is'nt of much concern to the people on this forum, but something that may be considered.

Oh, yeah, look man, dont light your farts on fire, I saw a friend do it once, it aint pretty. :D

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

In fact, I find both sexes to be rather gross in appearance. The women look like Khruschev and the men look like Breznev. Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you may find those types more appealing than I, in which case you are welcome to them. Sir.

Miss Russia won Miss Universe 2002.


Sadly, they just don't make 'em like they used to. ;)

(Yeh, I know you qualified that some of them are of extraordinary beauty, but what the heck smile.gif ).

[ August 24, 2002, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: IPA ]

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Chad Harrison wrote:

There are much better places to visit with CM.
Thanks ever so much for your opinion Chad. (Now where'd that chalk board go, let's see - Chad 1 for udder places er somefink).

I'd much rather see the Pacific done, and as Michael emerys points out, while it can be graphically modded only a code write could portray it correctly. And, if it is focused on the CBI, which is even more preferable then statements about island and carrier warfare are enirely irrelevant.

Early war schmerly war. Early war 1940's stuff is precisely the sort of thing that can be modded without necessitating code writes as the basic European weaponry is already done, as is that of the Desert and the Med. Schlap some paint on them and their ready to go.

[ August 24, 2002, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

The problem with that is that probably a majority of the data that the game relies on to make its calculations and produce the action on the screen would be invalid for a Pacific game. The Japanese were not armed or organized like any of the armies modeled in the game so far or projected in the future. Come to that, even the Allied armies (including the USMC) were not identical to their counterparts in Europe. The terrain conditions would also be significantly different.

In other words, to try to derive a Pacific game exclusively through mods would be extremely bogus. I'm sure that won't deter some people smile.gif , but it really isn't in the spirit that the game was designed.

Now I never said that it would be an effective way of representing the pacific. Thats my nice way of saying: Dont waist our time in the Pacific when we could be in France! Pacific would be fun, but there is more fun to be had elsewhere!

I have expressed a desire many times that someone (and BFC would be my first choice) would produce a computer game similar to Flat Top by Yaquinto/Avalon Hill. That would be wonderful!
After all these years of computer gaming, someone has yet to come up with a good pacific naval battle simulation, with all aspects involved (logistics, amphibious assaults, recon, land operations). Perhaps someday, BFC will tackle this challenge!

Chad Harrison

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Thanks ever so much for your opinion Chad. (Now where'd that chalk board go, let's see - Chad 1 for udder places er somefink).

Wow thanks Bruno. I am honored to be bestoyed such a gift! smile.gif

I'd much rather see the Pacific done, and as Michael emerys points out, while it can be graphically modded only a code write could portray it correctly. And, if it is focused on the CBI, which is even more preferable then statements about island and carrier warfare are entirely irrelevant.

Early war schmerly war. Early war 1940's stuff is precisely the sort of thing that can be modded without necessitating code writes as the basic European weaponry is already done, as is that of the Desert and the Med. Schlap some paint on them and their ready to go.

You do have a point. But, as with all things, opinions are like butts, we all have our own and others think it stinks smile.gif I cannot deny that leading a marine battalion across Okinawa would be a hoot, especially under heavy naval and air cover. But, to me, I would enjoy the European conflicts more.

What does it matter anyways, BFC will do whatever they want to next smile.gif

Chad Harrison

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