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I Challenge Peng for a bone to be thrown

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Originally posted by Mike:

Hey...(All sorts of puerile, garden variety, limp-wristed, "I'll get you at recess", middle school, milquetoast, ur-taunts<big> snipped</big> because it gave me pleasure.)

I read it all over twice and unless I missed something, I believe Mike-You-Idiot(you guys are right. That really flows!) spelled everything correctly.

It is indeed the end times.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hey I got an idea! Don't anybody make a new thread and let's keep posting into this one until we FORCE the Justicar to slink out from that rock he was hiding behind and start a new MBT out of his sense of duty!


Actually PL, the "Rock" reference is uncannily nearer the truth than you might think.

Unfortunately, our venereal Just-a-carrot was unable to pay the US$4.78 Billion in fines levied by the 3,721 ISP's suing for damages caused by his recent <U>e-terrorist</U> attack. {You know, the one where 6.7 billion of the world's population got referrals re: re: re: re: HIS new e-mail addy while he sat, snickering and tapping blindly into his laptop, recounting the glory days of the MBT before it sunk under the sheer weight of handbags, hairpins and hirsute drag queens?}

I believe he now resides at "Solitary Wing East, Cell Block 31B, Row 11F, ALCATRAZ". Honest. You can visit on Sundays.

Sir AJ


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Originally posted by Lars:

Always nice to survive your birthday.

It's good to be alive.

Geez! What did you get up to??

I warned you that playing CM is much safer than playing "Big Game Hunter<SUP>tm</SUP>", but NOOOOOOOO!! Would you listen?

So, let this be a lesson to all other like-minded, fast-ageing, totally-balding, gun-toting, fishing-rod-wielding, canoe-paddling, pot-bellied John Wayne wannabe's. The blindingly obvious motto to this mis-adventure should be: "Tis better to have played Combat Mission rather poorly than to have gamily fished at all"

Happy Birthday Lards...

Sir AJ


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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Evening all , missed a couple of days , working and stuff .

Lars you were lucky out there . I once spent an hour floating in the Southern Ocean after my hobie cat sunk after hitting a submerged log . Boy was I glad too see the rescue boat arrive .

A bit like seeing the massive reo force {which I magnanimousely granted you in our recently completed "Battle Royale"} arrive at the LAST MINUTE - where you, the Gamey Hun Sewn Mi Loin, eked out a miserable and TOTALLY GAMEY AI ASSISTED Simpering Axis Tactical Victory against my plucky 'n dowdy Pommie lads.

Still, there was sufficient spilling of blood, pillage of village, plunder of booty and rap..... {errr....... best not go there!!} to satisfy even the most hardcore of CM addicts. Ergo, "Scene From Hell" Part Deux:


What? You want to see the score two?? *grumble* Yer don't wish fer much, lad.... *gnash*


You can stop smirking now, Win Men Oils. A brutal, revengeful come-uppance will soonish be wending your way..

Roxy I hope you get the job , will you get me a new power shower please .
Don't you mean "Powder Shower"??



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Originally posted by Roxy:

Greetings Ladies of The Pool. Oh, and you boys too.

Herr Oberst, that MEANY, has been sent his first file. I sincerely hope he detests the parameters I have chosen.

Setup received and purchase made. As for the parameters allowed, it just goes to show your true nature.

Barbed wire was available, but Boxy edited out all the available fence post units. How am I to cage this creature with no fence posts available??? Gamey... very gamey...

One thing I did find out is that you can buy a helluva lot of Sharpshooters in a 1500 pt QB. Not that I would, of course. You can also buy a staggering number of 20mm Flak guns. Not that I would do that either, of course.

I did buy a field kitchen, complete with a tanner and a rendering vat in anticipation of the end of the battle.

I have yet to see the map, but she said it was forested, so I may yet be able to run the barbed wire and create my own little OK corral.

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