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Proving Ground / Garykrockover site closed ?

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Lets wait for Gary to post. Usually this means that the site was very popular, and those grass mods are large. Therefore, lots of downloads, bandwidth allotment exceeded for the month, service providing the bandwidth blocks the site.

Darn, I was going to get some missing mods this weekend and update. Hope its resolved soon.

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Hi all,

Yes, the news is bad, the plug has been pulled already. Appologies to Manx who I jumped on just yesterday about mod sites. His reply was that "it got too popular". Well, same here already.

Over 10 gigs of bandwidth per day from all over the world. My client/buddy who's the host said there's just no way to keep it up without him having to charge me a pretty hefty rate to keep it.

I have most of the mods that were on the site locally on my home system. I can try to email a few requests for some of the smaller mods but I obviously will not be able to fulfill everyone's requests.

I'll make a more formal post on the forum next. Sorry guys, is was good while it lasted (so briefly). Damn, lots of programming had gone into that site already to.


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